One Week In Iowa Has Passed!

Posted by Greta on Sunday Feb 20, 2011

We arrived in Iowa exactly a week ago! It’s so different from Atlanta- yet I like it. School is nice; not nearly as big as Shamrock/Druid Hills. The middle school has less than a quarter of the people at Shamrock/Druid Hills, but my school here is middle AND high school. There are also trimesters here instead of semesters. Some of my new friends are Alanna, Rylee, Naomi, Emily, Erin, Nicole, and Sydney. But don’t worry, Atlanta friends, you’re not being replaced! I miss y’all a lot. (sob)
It was the end of the trimester on Thursday, so we celebrated by watching Secretariat and having popcorn and soda. My Granddad is in that movie, and so everyone around me was asking me to point him out. It was a good day.
On Friday, we did a little schoolwork, and I thought of a good survey question for all you blog readers:

Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Jean thought I should write something in Spanish for the blog, so soon, I will figure out how to say that phrase. As for which one you think, just leave your answer as a comment under this post, and the results will be posted in a week.
Here is what a few people I’m hanging out with right now think about this question:

Ana: the chicken
Dad: the egg
me: I think the egg just fell from space, and it hatched the first chicken.
Stella: the egg
Ellie: the egg, “since the chicken HAD to come from an egg”
Jean: the chicken
Aunt Janice: the chicken
Aunt Mary: the chicken

Grandpa, who’s sleeping, would probably say something like, “the cow.”
Miss you all. Bye!!!

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My First Day of School in Iowa

Posted by Stella on Saturday Feb 19, 2011

Thursday was first day of school in Lansing, IA. There were some girls in my class I already knew from our summers here and from the swim team. But I met lots of new friends, too. Since my teacher (my Aunt Lisa!) wasn’t there on Thursday, we had two substitutes and I didn’t know their names.

My friends had to help me through the day. They helped me open my locker. I’ve never had a locker before. And they helped me with my lunch tray at lunch. I had never bought a school lunch before. It was kind of scary. They went really fast through the lunch line and I didn’t know my lunch number so Ms. Mary told me that she would give it to me later.

We played a division game and my table won.

At recess, my old friends and new friends invited me to play jumprope, four square, and volleyball. I had fun. Jumprope was my favorite. After recess, we went back to the classroom and got to read a book.

Then we went to the gym to watch a movie called Secretariat. I was excited because my grandad had a small part in the movie. I pointed out to my friends where my grandad was in the movie. They thought it was so cool. But other people in my class told me the movie was just a dumb horse movie and it kind of hurt my feelings. There were a few boys that were picking on me.

When I went into the school, I saw a drawing by another student of Taylor Swift. It was posted in the hallway. I thought I could draw one, too. So, yesterday Greta and I went to the library and got a magazine with a picture of her on the front. I want you to know I did not trace it. I drew it. This is my drawing…

My Drawing of Taylor Swift

I had fun at my first day of school.

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My First Day of School in Iowa

Posted by Ana on Thursday Feb 17, 2011

Yesterday was my first day of school in Iowa. My school is in New Albin, Iowa. We have to take a bus to get there and get back at the end of the day. Me and Ellie’s friend, Nell, takes us to the bus in the morning and the afternoon. Sometimes we might get confused and get on the wrong bus. That’s why she helps us on the first two days.

Lansing and New Albin are towns on the Mississippi River. The river is frozen right now and our camper is winterized since it is so cold and there is lots of snow.

The Frozen Mississippi River

I got to buy lunch in the cafeteria at school. I have never bought lunch before. The lunch is better than the lunch in Atlanta. The lunch in Atlanta was like hot dogs and fries, but the school lunch here is better than hot dogs and french fries at my old school because hot dogs and french fries are bad for you. We have lettuce and french salad dressing and we have hamburger thingys that were kind of like hamburgers but they were not hamburgers. At our Iowa school we get to go for seconds.

I met a friend named Regan. My teacher is very very nice. She lets us get up and get a tissue if we want or do something else. We do some work that is just right for me.

On Thursday (today) school was delayed because it was really foggy outside.

Lots of Fog on the River Today

I was sort of glad that school was delayed so we would have half a day, so soon it would be lunch time. I like lunch time.

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Tubing on the Mississippi River, Summer 2010

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Feb 17, 2011

This last summer, my uncle Mike took me, Ana, Stella, and Greta tubing on the Mississippi River, right in front of Lansing, IA. It was really exciting.

Me, Ana, and Stella tubing on the Mississippi River

The day was warm and the water was freezing. Stella fell off the tube. It was super fun to watch Stella fall off the tube. But I felt bad for Stella because I always think catfish are going to bite off my toes.

Me and Ana tubing

You can tell from me and Ana’s faces that we are having a blast tubing on the Mississippi.

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On the Farm

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Feb 15, 2011

On the Family Farm

Every summer we go visit Uncle Gary and Aunt Kim’s family farm. Last summer we went to help them in the garden. We helped dig up radishes. I like to help them; it makes me feel like a farmgirl.

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Sledding Over Winter Break

Posted by Greta on Monday Feb 14, 2011

We’ll probably be up in Lansing for a couple of weeks, so we will be posting some photos and other things from past vacations and adventures.

So, speaking of us being up in Iowa, we had lots of fun sledding this past winter, December 2010. This is a video of Ana sledding in her cute little blue sled.

We thought it was pretty dang funny when it happened.
There may be more sledding videos coming, so keep your eye out! 🙂

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A Change in Direction

Posted by Van on Monday Feb 14, 2011

On Friday we received news it was time to come home to Iowa to be with Jean’s dad, Bill. So Saturday morning we pointed the ship north and made a beeline up the Mississippi river.

A detour to Iowa

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At Halloween

Posted by Ana on Friday Dec 31, 2010


I was a baterina for Halloween. It was so much fun at Halloween with my grandad. We made a castle made of cardboard and put it in front of our house so people could come trick or treating and see it. I helped paint the castle black. There were a ton of people at our Halloween party. My grandad, my dad’s friend bobby, my dad, and greta were all in the play. The play was about a vampire named Count Dracula. We made cranberry juice to make it look like blood.

Dracula's Castle, Halloween 2010

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My 9th Birthday Party

Posted by Ellie on Friday Dec 31, 2010

Cooking Party, September 2010

Making Meat Pies

This is my birthday party at a cooking place. I had a blast with my friends and sisters.

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Stella Petting Chicken

Posted by Stella on Friday Dec 31, 2010

World's friendliest chicken

I got to pet a chicken on my uncle Greg’s farm today! He sat there and let me pet him! He was so friendly.
Above is a picture of him.

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