Visiting Friends in Indiana

Posted by Stella on Monday Mar 21, 2011

We left Lansing on Monday morning, March 7. We went to visit our friends–Emma, Noah, and their parents, Scott and Beth–in Indianapolis on the way to Louisville, KY. We ate dinner downstairs in their basement, and when we finished, we hung out with them. Before we left, Beth gave me a water-color pencil set and an artist’s bag (thank you so much, Beth!). I use the pencils all the time, and I’ve already drawn and painted lots of pictures. It was really nice to see Emma and Noah.

Hello Indiana!

Then we drove down to Louisville, and me and my sisters fell asleep. When we got there, everybody was asleep except me. I was only half asleep. I heard Daddy say, “If anyone has to go to the bathroom, come now.” I pretended like I was asleep so I wouldn’t have to get up out of my bed. I didn’t know exactly where we were, but in the morning we were at my grandparents’ house!

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