We Got Our RV!

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Jan 16, 2011

Hurray! Here are some pictures of our RV:

Our RV

I want to call our RV “Mrs. Bananas” because she reminds me of a banana for some reason.

The front of our RV

I can’t wait to sit on the cushy couch!

Our Bedroom

I hope I get a top bunk.

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Our trip to Disneyworld last Winter

Posted by Ana on Sunday Jan 16, 2011

We went to Disney world last February. We got to look at fireworks behind the castle and there was a story about Maleficent. I got to get a Pooh Bear for my souvenir. We went with our whole family and my Uncle Stu. It was sort of cold. My favorite ride was Dumbo. My least favorite ride was Goofy’s Barnstormer. We stayed in our pop-up camper and we always had to take a boat from the campsite across the lake to the castle.

With Ariel in her Grotto

Ariel didn’t look like what I thought she would, she has curly hair. That was my first time ever meeting Ariel.

With Belle in Cinderella's Castle

We were eating lunch in Cinderella’s Castle and then all the princesses came up the stairs and took a picture with us. I’d never seen a real princess before.

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The Idea

Posted by Van on Saturday Jan 8, 2011

At the Ingalls' Schoolhouse, July 2010

The idea for this upcoming RV trip came last Summer when we were camping our way across South Dakota. We spent a day at the Ingalls’ homestead in De Smet (For you Little House fans: this is where Ma and Pa Ingalls ultimately stayed and where Laura met and married Almanzo). While exploring, we met a family who had been on the road in a big RV for just over a year, homeschooling their two children and seeing the country together. Jean and I had talked many times about all the places in the world we want to see with the girls, and the idea of spending several months traveling the continent in an RV really clicked for us. The more we talked about it, the more we wanted to make it happen. So, off we go.

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Posted by Greta on Friday Jan 7, 2011

SOOO…….. Hello, all blog readers! Right now, I’m @ my besty’s house. GO BESTIES!!!!! Keep those comments coming!!!

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Quick Update

Posted by Greta on Monday Jan 3, 2011

Hola amigas y amigos!!! We’ll be back in school in a few days; then we’ll be gone, gone, gone!

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Posted by Greta on Saturday Jan 1, 2011

Happy new year, everyone! It is now 2011. OMG!!! Oh, and I forgot to say- please tell everyone u know about this blog. Thanks!
P.S. Leave comments and I can reply, sort of like a mini facebook!!!

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Jumping Off Rocks in South Dakota

Posted by Greta on Saturday Jan 1, 2011


Looks like Stella is having tons of fun!!!




Go Ellie!!!

We are jumping off a big rock into a freezing cold lake @ a buffalo sanctuary. (Even though it was mid-Summer 2010, it was FREEZING. Our lips were turning freakishly blue.) Stella, Ellie, and I were brave enough 2 jump off. SPLASSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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