Driving To New Mexico

Posted by Greta on Saturday Mar 26, 2011

After the memorials in Oklahoma City, we drove all day out of Oklahoma and we finally made it to Texas around dinnertime. We ate at a Texas steakhouse and, while the rest of my family had barbequed beef, I had a chicken sandwich. It was SO good. We kept driving all night until I woke up the next morning And there was huge mesa out my window! We had made it to New Mexico! I took a picture of it:

A mesa on a New Mexico morning

My parents had totally missed the mesas as they were driving by, so it was a nice surprise to see them there. The drive was beautiful after that and I took countless videos of the road trying to see a tumbleweed for my friend Zoe. I did actually see a few but I’m not sure if i caught any on camera. I’ll try again.

It was fun!

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Oklahoma City

Posted by Van on Saturday Mar 26, 2011

We continued to travel across Tornado Alley on our way to the southwest. We stopped at a campground along historic Route 66 near Stroud, OK for a couple of days, where we caught up on laundry, work, and home-schooling. On March 21 we rolled through Oklahoma City. We stopped off at the Memorial for the Bombing of the Federal Building. The memorial was unexpectedly simple and powerful. The foundation of the building is still in place, but the building itself has been replaced with a park. Fences along the perimeter are still being decorated with flowers, photos, and mementos to those who were lost. It was a vivid reminder of how everything changed that one day in 1995.

This is where the Federal Building used to be.

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