Arriving in Atlanta

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

September 27, we pulled in next to the curb of OUR HOUSE IN ATLANTA!!! Oh my gosh, we were back! For some reason that is unknown to me, it felt like we had never even left. Everything felt like how it was before we left, and I don’t know why, but I didn’t like it. I wanted it to feel like we had been gone forever. When we pulled up at our house, we saw Dinara and Abby, Ellie’s best friends, and Dinara’s mom, Lisa, standing in our yard. Abby and Dinara came running toward us like they hadn’t seen us in years. That’s how I felt, too. I jumped out of the RV and hugged Lisa, and headed for the front door, eager to go inside. Then I spotted my friend that lives down the road, Will. I told him he could come in the house, so he followed me inside. Me, Greta, and Will went upstairs first, because that’s where me and Greta’s room is. It was so empty! We hung out up there until suddenly Brynn came into the room! Then Will said he had to leave, so we said bye. We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Brynn. We were home!

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This Is Almost The End Of Our Blog!!! OMG!!!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This may be the VERY LAST POST ON OUR BLOG!!! We’re only a mere eight hours from Atlanta and we might be leaving Kentucky tomorrow to come home! *squeals* THIS IS SO EXCITING! Well, I really hope all you blog readers enjoyed reading about all of our adventures, some exciting and some not, and we’ve really appreciated all of your comments and such. It’s great to know that some people are “with us” on our travels. Thanks so much for “following” us on our big trip, and we’ll be sure to let y’all know when we go on another one! Haha just kidding. JUST KIDDING! We are NOT, and I repeat, NOT… going to go on another big trip. NOOOOOO thank you. I mean, sure, my family can do whatever they want, but I think I’ll just stay in Atlanta or Lansing where everyone loves me and not go off to strange places where everyone is a stranger. I’m good. 😉
Well, again, thanks so much for reading our blog! Hope you loved it! BYE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND RANDOM PEOPLE!!! 🙂

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I Miss You, Friends In Atlanta!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This post is just a shout-out to all you great friends in Atlanta… I miss you! It’s been really hard being away from y’all for so long, and I’m gonna be really super excited to see you again! I hope you haven’t forgotten about me, ’cause I certainly haven’t forgotten about you! We’ll be home in a few days, and I hope to see you soon!!! Bye for now!!! 😉

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Posted by Ana on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

Grampa did a allyin talk to me when I was little! He wock up in the moning and he cot out the crem of wheat!

[Editor’s translation:]
Grampa did alien talk to me when I was little! He woke up in the morning and he got out the cream of wheat!

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Posted by Ana on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

A couple of winters ago we went skiing with our grandparents and cousins. Granddad invited me to go skiing with him. 🙂

I liked to go iceskating with Granddad!
I liked to go to shogun with Granddad!
I liked to watch telavegen with Granddad!
I liked to go skiing with Granddad!

A card for Granddad

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My Favorite Things About Grandpa

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

One of my funniest memories of Grandpa is when he would talk in this alien-sounding voice, and Ana would get so scared that she would go tell Jean. Another really funny thing that I remember is when Grandpa picked up the phone saying, “Hello, Welshes?” and no one answered, so he said, “Either say something or shut up,” and he slammed the phone down. I know it sounds like Grandpa was really grumpy, but I don’t think he was. Those are some of my favorite memories of Grandpa.

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My Favorite Times With Dindy

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

First of all, Dindy is what I call my granddad. One of my favorite things that I ever did with Dindy is when we went to Holiday World. I loved it because we had a whole day without parents–only Dindy. Well, my sisters were there too, but I think that made it even better. We did everything together that day, and that’s why that was one of my favorite days with Dindy.

Holiday World with Dindy

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Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

I will always remember Grandpa especially when we went to Theodore Roosevelt National Park when we saw the wild horses. He had always dreamed of seeing them. When we fist saw them it reminded me of my grandpa. When we saw the horses it was very special for me to see them.

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Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

One of the special things that me and Dindy did together was go to the Equestrian Games were we saw all the horses. Both of my grandpas loved horses just like me. Me and Dindy had a blast together. Every day me and Dindy would get up to go see all the hoses together. Whenever I think of horses it reminds me of both of my very special Grandpa’s. It was very fun with Dindy!!!

At the Equestrian Games with Dindy

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My Favorite Memories Of Grandpa

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This is a post in honor of my grandpa, who passed away this February. I’m just remembering some of my favorite moments with him.

Grandpa, I loved when you would talk in that crazy alien voice… it was soooooo funny and it never got old. I loved when you taught us that silly song, There Was A Little Chicken. I loved how you would put mounds of syrup on your pancakes and giant globs of honey on your Cream Of Wheat. I loved how you would watch Little House On The Prairie with us every afternoon and turn the volume way up. And most of all, I loved the stories you told of your childhood and your great, good-natured laugh. You were a great person and I was so lucky to know you. Thanks for being in my life. 🙂

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