
Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

I will always remember Grandpa especially when we went to Theodore Roosevelt National Park when we saw the wild horses. He had always dreamed of seeing them. When we fist saw them it reminded me of my grandpa. When we saw the horses it was very special for me to see them.

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Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

One of the special things that me and Dindy did together was go to the Equestrian Games were we saw all the horses. Both of my grandpas loved horses just like me. Me and Dindy had a blast together. Every day me and Dindy would get up to go see all the hoses together. Whenever I think of horses it reminds me of both of my very special Grandpa’s. It was very fun with Dindy!!!

At the Equestrian Games with Dindy

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Reading to Someone Special

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Sep 28, 2011

After feeding Dindy (our grandpa) we all went to go pick out a book to read to our grandpa. Ana read a book about a cat who could do nothing special and when he did try it turned out always wrong. Ana can read really great and I think that Dindy loved it. Cool!

Stella read a book about being a pilot. Dindy loves airplanes so I think he loved that one too. In the story some kids get on the airplane and it was their first time. They saw all the notches and buttons and then they dreamed about being a pilot. 🙂

I read a book about the life cycle of a butterfly. They lay the eggs and then hatch and start eating a ton until they are big and fat and make a crisaliss. The crisaliss is hard to protect them. After a while they transform into a butterfly. When they get out their wings are wet so they let them dry in the suns heat. After a while the butterfly goes and gets some food and finds a mate. Then the whole life circle starts over again. Neat!!!!

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Visiting With Cousins

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Sep 17, 2011

On September 5th, Me and Nell got back from her house and our cousin Jahmuna was at Grandma’s house. We decided to play Beckon Beckon. It is a fun game. After a while we got bored and decided to bike around the alley. I let Jahmuna use my bike. Me and Nell were playing with Thurgood, Jahmuna’s three-year-old brother, and he actually talked a lot more than usual.

After playing for about an hour, we went in and got ready to go to the Red Barn, a really yummy restaurant in Lansing. Thurgood and Jahmuna loved riding there in the RV. When we got there, we went inside and ordered our food. While waiting for our food to come, all the kids went down to the playground to play. We played Watermelon on the slide. We also went on one of the twirly things and we slid down it. We also went on a baby helicopter and played with Thurgood in it.

Mommy and our cousin Jahmuna

After a while, Mommy and Daddy and Grandma called us up to eat our food. I ate a hotdog with French fries. It was delicious! After that we all hopped in the RV and started on our way back to Grandma’s house. It was a very fun day!!! 🙂

Our cousin Thurgood

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Leaving El Lago del Bosque

Posted by Ellie on Friday Sep 16, 2011

After getting everything ready to leave Spanish camp we all went to brunch . It breakfast and lunch mixed together. We were having breakfast boritoes. There was eggs, cheese, sausage, and, salsa. Yummy!!!!!!!

Me Ana and stella were going around getting all the counselors signatures. They all wrote really nice stuff like you were great to have and your very pretty and your great at Spanish and thank for being well behaved and so on. 😉

Dancing in the square together on the last day

After having brunch we all went to go and sing. We sang and danced to all the songs that the counselors taught us. It was so fun but it was so sad that we had to leave all our friends plus the food ha ha and the counselors. I had a few tears in my eye because I loved camp so much. We had so much fun in just a week. I so want to go back.

We loved it at spanish camp

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Caperucita Roja

Posted by Ellie on Friday Sep 16, 2011

September 3 was our last day at spanish camp. After practicing for our play for the last day (little red riding hood) we took and break and waited for everyone to come. After singing we started our play. Stella was the Mama and Bella was little red riding hood and I was the grandma and Greta was the narator and Christian was the lobo (the wolf). Mama told caperucita to go and give me food. So off she went and on the way she meet the hunter. Oops. I forgot the hunter Logan. After that she went and started picking flowers and then she meet the lobo (the wolf). He said hi and asked were she was going and she said to my grandma’s. After that the lobo went and came and knocked on my door (I was grandma) and I opened it and screamed. I wasn’t supposed to but I had to grab my paper and said my lines. It was embarrassing. I don’t want to keep writing caperucita over and over again so I will call her little red. So little red came and said why are your ears so big and why are your eyes so big and then she asked why are your teeth so big and the lobo said to eat you. And so the lobo ate little red and then along came the hunter and cut open his belly and me and Bella jumped out and hugged each other and then filled the lobos belly with rocks and the we went to watch to see what would happen. Well the lobe got thirsty and bent over and fell into the water.

My dad's class did a skit, too

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Making Tie Dye Animals

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

On Thursday we made tie dye animals with Ale and Vero. We went to tie dye with Vero and Ale. We has to get in a line and pick a animal. I was first and got an elephant. I picked out all the neon colors and went to work. Most of the spary paint came out in globs so I had to spread it with my fingers. After a while I finished and went to look at everyone’s animals. Ana made a giraffe and Stella made a snake and Greta made a fish. We let them dry and would get them the next day. After that we went to go play 4 square with Bella and Rosa.

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Metal Forming

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011

On Thursday and Friday me Ana Mommy and Daddy were all going to start a new activity: mettle carving class!

When we got there we all picked out our design. I picked out two blue birds siting on a branch with flowers all around them. Ana got a butterfly and Mommy got a pot of either tulips or roses. Daddy made his own thing, the RV. It had flames and a flower on it. After that we took our sheet of paper with the design on it and out lined the whole picture on to the mettle. When you looked on the back you would see the design showing up on the back. It took along time until we finished with that part. Then Ale gave us some tools to use. So if you wanted to make something pop out on the front you would use the tool and draw in the space and then it would pop out. At first I did not want it to pop out and then I did and it looked pretty good.

Drawing designs to form in metal sheets

The next day we did the pop outs and we had to decide what to use it for. I made mine for just something to look at. I put a purple frame and taped it on. After that we got to color it. I made the birds light blue and their belly’s dark blue and their beaks yellow and the flowers red and pink. I gave mine to grandma. I loved making the mettle designs.

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Consejero Misterioso

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011

Every dinner and sometimes lunch the counselors turn on some Mysterious music and run around then Alejandro would stop and all the counselors would FREEZ!!!!!!! Then someone from the crowd yelled out a consolers name and then they would say something in Spanish and then they would go like ohhhhhhhhhh and the counselor would say siii no!! Then someone yelled Evelyn!!!! Everyone did the same thing!! Then everyone went ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Then she said noooo siii!!!!! Then she said that she saw the person talking a lot of Spanish and helping others. We all did a drum roll and the person was ….. Ester!!! THAT WAS ME!!!!! Yes!!! Then all the counselors sang this song. It was very embarrassing because every one was staring at me. Then Evelyn handed me a necklace and it had a small blue thing that looked like a dissgoball.* It was awesome.


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The First Day of Camp

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Sep 10, 2011

August 30 was our fist full day at camp and it was cool but scary at the same time. Paola, Bruno, and Emilia all told us to come and play some games with them. So we went and we played this game were somebody yells out your name and throws a ball up in the air and you catch it and everyone runs and when you catch it you yell ALTO!!!!!!!!! And everyone freezes and then you can only take three steps toward the person who is the closest to you and then throw the ball at them and if it hit’s them then they throw the ball up and so on and so on.

Then we played the Frog game were someone is the detective and someone is the frog and the other people are flies. You make a circle and wait for the detective to come and when he or she is not looking the frog will stick out it’s tongue at you and you will have to fall down dead oh ya I forgot the detective gets only 3 guesses. We played that for a long time.

Then we played this game it so hard to explain it I will try. Ok so we all sit around and put one hand over the other persons hand and other one under the other persons hand. You slap their hand and then they slap the other person’s hand while the counselors sing a song and if the number that is how old one of the other people is and the last number lands on you you’re out. We played this for a long time and then we went to go to our cabin or something like that.

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