Making Tie Dye Animals

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011 Under Travels

On Thursday we made tie dye animals with Ale and Vero. We went to tie dye with Vero and Ale. We has to get in a line and pick a animal. I was first and got an elephant. I picked out all the neon colors and went to work. Most of the spary paint came out in globs so I had to spread it with my fingers. After a while I finished and went to look at everyone’s animals. Ana made a giraffe and Stella made a snake and Greta made a fish. We let them dry and would get them the next day. After that we went to go play 4 square with Bella and Rosa.

2 Responses to “Making Tie Dye Animals”

  1. annie blount Says:

    Hey Ellie,it’s Annie.When are you coming back?

  2. brynn Says:

    thank you ana!!! 🙂 i L-O-V-E love giraffes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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