Visiting Relatives In Chicago

Posted by Greta on Sunday Sep 18, 2011

On September 10th, we left Lansing (Boo hoo! I love Lansing!) and we drove five hours to Chicago.

We arrived at our aunt and uncle’s house around five, and everyone rushed out to greet us: my Aunt Jana and Uncle Andy, my Uncle Will and my cousins Aidan (6), Juliet (9), Griffin (11), and Dylan (16). It was really really exciting to see them again since we hadn’t seen them since last December when they moved to Chicago. Then, after giving hugs to everyone, we went inside to check out their new house. It was huge and beautiful, and all the rooms were huge with great living space. I loved it. Then Juliet showed us their backyard and new trampoline and swing-set, and we played on the swing-set for awhile. I could tell our cousins were happy to see us.

With our cousins

Then we came inside, and our aunt and uncle showed us the basement and we ate some chips and guacamole. Then Uncle Will started a game of pool, and I joined in. We were on teams; Stella, Juliet, and I against Will and Aidan. Will and Aidan won. 😛 We played outside for a little bit longer and played and a game called Tomato that has a lot of history for us. (It’s kind of like Tag.)

Dad, Jean, Uncle Will, Aunt Jana, and Uncle Andy

Then it was time to eat, and we had burgers, hotdogs, salad, corn, and watermelon. It was delicious. *licks lips* After dinner we hung out a little more and played Tomato for a little longer, and then, sadly, it was time for us to leave. We gave out lots of hugs, and then we loaded up in the RV (after giving a quick tour) and left, starting the five-hour drive to Kentucky.

I’m so so so glad that we got to visit our aunt, uncles, and cousins in Chicago. It was so great to see them again! I really missed them. 🙂

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