This Is Almost The End Of Our Blog!!! OMG!!!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This may be the VERY LAST POST ON OUR BLOG!!! We’re only a mere eight hours from Atlanta and we might be leaving Kentucky tomorrow to come home! *squeals* THIS IS SO EXCITING! Well, I really hope all you blog readers enjoyed reading about all of our adventures, some exciting and some not, and we’ve really appreciated all of your comments and such. It’s great to know that some people are “with us” on our travels. Thanks so much for “following” us on our big trip, and we’ll be sure to let y’all know when we go on another one! Haha just kidding. JUST KIDDING! We are NOT, and I repeat, NOT… going to go on another big trip. NOOOOOO thank you. I mean, sure, my family can do whatever they want, but I think I’ll just stay in Atlanta or Lansing where everyone loves me and not go off to strange places where everyone is a stranger. I’m good. πŸ˜‰
Well, again, thanks so much for reading our blog! Hope you loved it! BYE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND RANDOM PEOPLE!!! πŸ™‚

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I Miss You, Friends In Atlanta!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This post is just a shout-out to all you great friends in Atlanta… I miss you! It’s been really hard being away from y’all for so long, and I’m gonna be really super excited to see you again! I hope you haven’t forgotten about me, ’cause I certainly haven’t forgotten about you! We’ll be home in a few days, and I hope to see you soon!!! Bye for now!!! πŸ˜‰

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My Favorite Memories Of Grandpa

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This is a post in honor of my grandpa, who passed away this February. I’m just remembering some of my favorite moments with him.

Grandpa, I loved when you would talk in that crazy alien voice… it was soooooo funny and it never got old. I loved when you taught us that silly song, There Was A Little Chicken. I loved how you would put mounds of syrup on your pancakes and giant globs of honey on your Cream Of Wheat. I loved how you would watch Little House On The Prairie with us every afternoon and turn the volume way up. And most of all, I loved the stories you told of your childhood and your great, good-natured laugh. You were a great person and I was so lucky to know you. Thanks for being in my life. πŸ™‚

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Memories Of Granddad

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

Granddad, this post is for you, reminding you of the best times we had together and mostly just how much I love you.

I had so much fun with you and my sisters at Holiday world this summer- I had a blast riding all the roller coasters and water slides. I loved riding around with you in your bright red tracker, and I loved when you took me to the Old House to roam around and explore. All that time we spent together last summer was so special to me; we had so much in common and it was fun to spend so much time with someone I could really talk to and relate to. It’s really hard for me now that you’re gone, but I know that you are in a better place and you’re no longer in pain. Just know that I will always love you and you’ll be in my heart for as long as I live. You were such a wonderful person and I miss you. I’ll see you in heaven. πŸ™‚

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Visiting Relatives In Chicago

Posted by Greta on Sunday Sep 18, 2011

On September 10th, we left Lansing (Boo hoo! I love Lansing!) and we drove five hours to Chicago.

We arrived at our aunt and uncle’s house around five, and everyone rushed out to greet us: my Aunt Jana and Uncle Andy, my Uncle Will and my cousins Aidan (6), Juliet (9), Griffin (11), and Dylan (16). It was really really exciting to see them again since we hadn’t seen them since last December when they moved to Chicago. Then, after giving hugs to everyone, we went inside to check out their new house. It was huge and beautiful, and all the rooms were huge with great living space. I loved it. Then Juliet showed us their backyard and new trampoline and swing-set, and we played on the swing-set for awhile. I could tell our cousins were happy to see us.

With our cousins

Then we came inside, and our aunt and uncle showed us the basement and we ate some chips and guacamole. Then Uncle Will started a game of pool, and I joined in. We were on teams; Stella, Juliet, and I against Will and Aidan. Will and Aidan won. πŸ˜› We played outside for a little bit longer and played and a game called Tomato that has a lot of history for us. (It’s kind of like Tag.)

Dad, Jean, Uncle Will, Aunt Jana, and Uncle Andy

Then it was time to eat, and we had burgers, hotdogs, salad, corn, and watermelon. It was delicious. *licks lips* After dinner we hung out a little more and played Tomato for a little longer, and then, sadly, it was time for us to leave. We gave out lots of hugs, and then we loaded up in the RV (after giving a quick tour) and left, starting the five-hour drive to Kentucky.

I’m so so so glad that we got to visit our aunt, uncles, and cousins in Chicago. It was so great to see them again! I really missed them. πŸ™‚

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Saying Goodbye To All Our Friends At Spanish Camp :(

Posted by Greta on Friday Sep 16, 2011

On Saturday, September 3rd, the last morning of Spanish camp, we had to say goodbye. *hangs head and wipes tears from eyes*

We packed our cabin, stripped our sheets, cleaned up everything, and then went to breakfast. It was basically a cleanup of all the breakfast food since camp was ending, but it was still very good. I sat with a few other families and some friends since I wouldn’t be seeing them again. Then we took loads to the activities center from our cabin, and after that we did our performance of Little Red Riding Hood and we had the good-bye assembly. Christina, El Lago Del Bosque’s director, gave us a CD with all kinds of pictures and videos and stuff, and she also gave each family a Spanish version of Curious George. Then we had brunch, and I got my tie-dye shirt and told every counselor to sign it. By that time it was almost time to leave, so we all had one last dance in the courtyard. It was really fun. Then it was time to go, so we gave everyone hugs, loaded up the RV, and left El Lago Del Bosque. It was so sad to leave. We had such a wonderful time! πŸ™‚

With all the counselors and some fellow campers on the last morning. Goodbye El Lago del Bosque! We miss you!

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Watching Movies In Spanish

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

On Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night at Spanish camp, we watched different movies in Spanish.

On Tuesday night, we watched the first half of Hotel For Dogs. It was really weird to hear the characters talking in Spanish… I totally wasn’t used to hearing that. But eventually I got used to it and started just reading the English subtitles and tuning out the Spanish talking. I was so into it that I was really disappointed when they turned off the first half of the movie! On Wednesday night we watched the rest of Hotel For Dogs, and then on Thursday we watched the first half of Shark Tales. By the third night of movies, I was really used to the Spanish talking. I hardly noticed it at all! On Friday night we were going to watch the rest of Shark Tales, but there was a REALLY FUN UN-NAMED EVENT instead. (Read the following posts for more!) πŸ™‚

I’m glad we watched a couple movies in Spanish. Now I’m much more used to hearing and comprehending stuff in different languages!

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Dancing With Vero And Evelyn

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

On Thursday at El Lago Del Bosque, Stella and I ate dinner and then decided to dance.

We went to find some counselors so they could put some music on for us, and we found our teachers, Vero y Evelyn. Evelyn is Stella’s teacher, and Vero is mine. They put in the CD that we use for El Clase De Bailar, and they led us in the first dance, the song Waka Waka by Shakira. I love that song, and I love the dance, too. Then we danced to a lot of other songs that we learned in dance class, and they taught us lots of new songs. They’re really good dancers. It was really fun to dance to the Spanish music; I’ve discovered that I really like it.

We danced for a long time until we were all exhausted and about ready to fall asleep right there. Then we turned off the music and went to watch Shark Tales in Spanish. It was a super fun night!!! πŸ˜€

Ellie, Ana, and Rosa leading the dance

Dancing with Vero and Evelyn

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Playing Four-Square With Friends

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

After meals at camp, we usually have a break, where we can do whatever we want. Play, dance; anything. So on the second day, Bella, Emelia, my sisters, and I decided to play four-square.

We drew the giant square with sidewalk chalk, and then wrote KING QUEEN KNIGHT and TRASH in the four sections. Then we played. And played and played and played. After EVERY single meal, my sisters and friends and I would run outside to play four-square, and sometimes we even got the counselors to play with us. On Friday, Nelson played with us for a REALLY long time, and he was really good at it too!!! He was almost always King, and when one of us became King he got us out as fast as lightning. It was still extremely fun, though.

Four square on the plaza

It was sad when we had to leave camp; that meant no more four-square! But it was great to be there and have so much fun with everyone.

Β‘Hasta la vista! πŸ˜‰

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Drumming With Bruno

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011

On Thursday at El Lago Del Bosque, one of our counselors, Bruno, gave a drumming class.

That afternoon, Dad came and found me while I was enjoying a passionfruit snow-cone. He told me to come to Bruno’s drumming class with him. So I put down my snow-cone and decided to go. I went around to the drumming classroom and sat down in a chair. Dad, Stella, Ellie, and another family were there. Bruno told me to grab a drum, so I did. My drum was big and tall. Then Bruno taught us three different ways to hit the drum and then four different rhythms. It was really fun, and I was pretty good at it! Bruno told us at the end that we were a very musical family. I’m glad I took the drumming class. I had a great time!!! :β€’)

Ritmo con Bruno

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