Saying Goodbye To All Our Friends At Spanish Camp :(

Posted by Greta on Friday Sep 16, 2011 Under Travels

On Saturday, September 3rd, the last morning of Spanish camp, we had to say goodbye. *hangs head and wipes tears from eyes*

We packed our cabin, stripped our sheets, cleaned up everything, and then went to breakfast. It was basically a cleanup of all the breakfast food since camp was ending, but it was still very good. I sat with a few other families and some friends since I wouldn’t be seeing them again. Then we took loads to the activities center from our cabin, and after that we did our performance of Little Red Riding Hood and we had the good-bye assembly. Christina, El Lago Del Bosque’s director, gave us a CD with all kinds of pictures and videos and stuff, and she also gave each family a Spanish version of Curious George. Then we had brunch, and I got my tie-dye shirt and told every counselor to sign it. By that time it was almost time to leave, so we all had one last dance in the courtyard. It was really fun. Then it was time to go, so we gave everyone hugs, loaded up the RV, and left El Lago Del Bosque. It was so sad to leave. We had such a wonderful time! 🙂

With all the counselors and some fellow campers on the last morning. Goodbye El Lago del Bosque! We miss you!

2 Responses to “Saying Goodbye To All Our Friends At Spanish Camp :(”

  1. brynn Says:

    awwwwwwww…*sniff sniff* i liked reading bout camp!

  2. brynn Says:


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