This Is Almost The End Of Our Blog!!! OMG!!!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This may be the VERY LAST POST ON OUR BLOG!!! We’re only a mere eight hours from Atlanta and we might be leaving Kentucky tomorrow to come home! *squeals* THIS IS SO EXCITING! Well, I really hope all you blog readers enjoyed reading about all of our adventures, some exciting and some not, and we’ve really appreciated all of your comments and such. It’s great to know that some people are “with us” on our travels. Thanks so much for “following” us on our big trip, and we’ll be sure to let y’all know when we go on another one! Haha just kidding. JUST KIDDING! We are NOT, and I repeat, NOT… going to go on another big trip. NOOOOOO thank you. I mean, sure, my family can do whatever they want, but I think I’ll just stay in Atlanta or Lansing where everyone loves me and not go off to strange places where everyone is a stranger. I’m good. 😉
Well, again, thanks so much for reading our blog! Hope you loved it! BYE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND RANDOM PEOPLE!!! 🙂

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I Miss You, Friends In Atlanta!

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

This post is just a shout-out to all you great friends in Atlanta… I miss you! It’s been really hard being away from y’all for so long, and I’m gonna be really super excited to see you again! I hope you haven’t forgotten about me, ’cause I certainly haven’t forgotten about you! We’ll be home in a few days, and I hope to see you soon!!! Bye for now!!! 😉

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Posted by Greta on Friday Jan 7, 2011

SOOO…….. Hello, all blog readers! Right now, I’m @ my besty’s house. GO BESTIES!!!!! Keep those comments coming!!!

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Quick Update

Posted by Greta on Monday Jan 3, 2011

Hola amigas y amigos!!! We’ll be back in school in a few days; then we’ll be gone, gone, gone!

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Posted by Greta on Saturday Jan 1, 2011

Happy new year, everyone! It is now 2011. OMG!!! Oh, and I forgot to say- please tell everyone u know about this blog. Thanks!
P.S. Leave comments and I can reply, sort of like a mini facebook!!!

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2 More Days Till 2011!!!

Posted by Greta on Thursday Dec 30, 2010

Quick update: we are in Iowa right now, and my sisters are @ Nell’s.(family friend, Ellie’s age) Just got new Glee music. VERY EXCITED!!! New years resolutions, anyone??? One of mine is to have more fun with my family. Won’t that be easy?!
We’ll be back to the ATL soon. Until then, I’ll keep you posted on recent events!!!
P.S.: Look for hilarious sledding videos COMING SOON!!! (:(:(:

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Welcome to 4 Wheels 4 Girls

Posted by Van on Tuesday Dec 28, 2010

Welcome to our family travel blog. We will be updating often to connect with family and friends during our upcoming adventures.

The Devil's Tower, Summer 2010

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Hello world!

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Dec 28, 2010

Welcome to 4 wheels 4 girls!

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