
Posted by Ana on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

Grampa did a allyin talk to me when I was little! He wock up in the moning and he cot out the crem of wheat!

[Editor’s translation:]
Grampa did alien talk to me when I was little! He woke up in the morning and he got out the cream of wheat!

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Posted by Ana on Wednesday Dec 14, 2011

A couple of winters ago we went skiing with our grandparents and cousins. Granddad invited me to go skiing with him. 🙂

I liked to go iceskating with Granddad!
I liked to go to shogun with Granddad!
I liked to watch telavegen with Granddad!
I liked to go skiing with Granddad!

A card for Granddad

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Ariving in louevele!!

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Sep 28, 2011

One day we went to louevele. when we arvede in louevele i was so happy and icsied. When i saw andy i was stating to feel tierd. it’s bene a blast.:] i have bene having a grate time. We red storys to andy. We played all day.

[Editor’s translation:]
One day [September 11] we went to Louisville. When we arrived in Louisville I was so happy and excited. When I saw Andy I was starting to feel tired. It’s been a blast. :] I have been having a great time. We read stories to Andy. We played all day.

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Leaving Lansing

Posted by Ana on Sunday Sep 18, 2011

We went to Lansing for 9 days! [note: actually 5 weeks] We were sad when we left 3 weeks after fishday’s. I was sad because it was sad leave grandmas house. Then we went to Kentucky. I was sad when we left her house.:(

I liked fishday!:) I liked our sleepover! Have you ever ben to Lansing befor?

Getting ready to hit the road for the last leg of our journey

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Posted by Ana on Sunday Sep 18, 2011

Yesterday we went to nell house we watched solserfer it is about a 13ten that got her arm bet off by a shark I watched the shark atak it was not scery. Then later on in the move she went serfing agen. Then in the moning we hade to leave.:( Ween we got home are baby cozen was there Oden! He was stell sleping so we hade to be quiet we ate are Luch in then he wock up.:).

With Grandma and my cousin, Owden.

[Editor’s translation:]
Yesterday we went to Nell’s house [for a sleepover]. We watched Soul Surfer. It is [a movie] about a 13 year old that got her arm bit off by a shark. I watched the shark attack; it was not scary. Then later on in the movie she went surfing again.

Then in the morning we had to leave. 🙁 When we got home our baby cousin, Owden, was there! He was still sleeping so we had to be quiet. We ate our lunch and then he woke up. 🙂

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Playing with Adeline

Posted by Ana on Saturday Sep 17, 2011

Last nite we went to Aunt Jeneses house and gese how was there? Adalen was there!! Adalen is my cosine. We played in tele it was time to go to bed. The next mining me and Adalen pladed together in the playe room in tile it was time for Adalen to go home. 🙁

[Editor’s translation:]
Last night [September 3] we went to Aunt Janice’s house and guess who was there? Adelynn was there!! Adelynn is my cousin. We played until it was time to go to bed. The next morning me and Adelynn played together in the play room until it was time for Adelynn to go home. 🙁

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We Made Friends!

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 16, 2011

Oun day we went to a spenesh omershen camp in northern menasod. we made friends!:). We hade three now friends! Are friends names were Bella and rosa and olive. All I no is that Bella is from wes consen . Olive was from shoogo! Rosa was from manasoda! I liked them they were never mean they were always verenise!

We hade a sleepover on the last nite of spenesh. We drank are gouse and rede are bed time story in then brushed are teeth and went to bed!


[Editor’s translation:]
One day we went to a spanish immersion camp in northern Minnesota. We made friends! 🙂 We made three new friends! Our friends names were Bella and Rosa and Olivia. All I know is that Bella is from Wisconsin. Olivia was from Chicago! Rosa was from Minnesota! I liked them. They were never mean. They were always very nice!

We hade a sleepover on the last night of spanish camp [September 2]. We drank our juice and read our bedtime story and then brushed our teeth and went to bed!

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El Carnival

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 16, 2011

We Went to a carnivaler last nint. LWe cote a ticket by plying a game. aand we trade theme in for a toe. We could get in thing. I got 20 somthing it was reel fun! I wonder if my female had fun? We got shae a baloun, go boling, and get your fase patent and lots of other stuff! My favret thing was Fishing! There is a stick and you tie a sting to it and you troe it over fack wader and emele gives you a ticet. Emelea is a consler.

This is a different fish game with Paola, not the fish game with Emilia.

[Editor’s translation:]
We went to a carnival last night. We got tickets by playing [different] games, and we traded them in for a toy. We could get anything. I got 20 something [tickets]. It was real fun! I wonder if my family had fun? We got to shave a balloon, go bowling, and get your face painted and lots of other stuff! My favorite thing was fishing! There is a stick and you tie a string to it and you throw it over fake water and Emilia gives you a ticket. Emilia is a counselor.

With our friend Rosa at the Carnival

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Posted by Ana on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011

Me and my Sesters all were in the same class tidy. We all did a shert. my shert looked like a the northern lites. I did not mean for it to be like that but I liked it.

[Editor’s notes: tidy = tie-dye]

This is the tie-dye shirt I made

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Dinners at the Spanish Immersion Camp

Posted by Ana on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011

We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner at camp. We got to sit with the counselors.

Each day we had breakfast then class then a snack. Then we would do cooking then class then lunch. Then we would do a class then have a snack then we would eat what we cooked earlier. Then we would have dinner, then dessert, and then popcorn with a movie at night.

It was very fun sitting with the counselors. I sat with Vero, Paola, Nelson, Mariano, Alejandro, Ale, Bruno, Carla, Christina, Emilia, Evelyn, Edgar, Ana, and Yamile. But not with all of them at the same time. The counselors always spoke Spanish. I did not speak much. They spoke to me, but mostly to Mommy.

The food was from different countries like Guatemala and Argentina. It was very good. They brought out all the food and somebody from each table would go get it. At the end of each meal we would get a bucket and we would stack our plates and bowls in it and we would put our silverware in cups and dump them into the right bucket.*

[*this post typed by Dad for Ana]

Hula hooping in the square before dinner one night

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