A Ride to the Top of the Bridge

Posted by Ana on Monday Feb 14, 2011

We went on a bike ride in the bayou and we were going to the post office in Ocean Springs. We did not find the post office.

Me on top of the Biloxi Bay Bridge

Then we rode further to the Biloxi Bay Bridge. It was very tall and scary. I thought I was going to fall off the bridge but there was a ramp so no one could fall off the bridge. I made it up the hill without stopping. We stopped at the top of the bridge. I saw the water. And then we went down. We did not go all the way across the bridge to Biloxi because we did not want to go back up the hill for no reason. Because it was so tiring. My legs hurt once I went up the hill.

It was fun to ride down the hill.

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Biking to Biloxi

Posted by Ellie on Monday Feb 14, 2011

Thursday we drove to Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We stayed at a campground in the Davis Bayou. The campground was nice but it was cold at night because it was 28 degrees at night and we left a ceiling vent open by mistake.

On Friday we went on a huge bike ride to Biloxi, MS. My dad made two wrong turns on our way there. On the way, we went by the ocean and stopped at the beach.

My Family on the Beach in Mississippi

From the beach we rode into town. On my left I saw the ocean. On my right I saw huge houses with huge lawns. I heard birds chirping. I thought they sounded really pretty. In the town, we saw a candy shop that my dad made us stand right in front of it waiting for our family to catch up. We got sort of annoyed with our dad because he tempted us so much to go in and eat all that candy. It was the worst moment of my life.

We went to the post office and realized that it wasn’t there, so we decided to go over the Biloxi Bay Bridge.

The Biloxi Bay Bridge

We were following my dad up the bridge, but somehow Greta got past him and I followed her all the way down the bridge. In the middle of the bridge, I saw my dad coming down. I stopped for about a minute then kept on biking. At the bottom of the bridge me and Greta waited for about 15 minutes until my dad came and told us that everyone was waiting for us at the top of the bridge. We followed him all the way back up the bridge. It was really tiring and my legs hurt. Near the middle of the bridge, me and my dad saw a real life pelican. It was floating in the water almost under the bridge when I spotted it. It was my first time seeing a pelican.

At the top of the bridge

When we finally caught up to my mom and sisters, my mom took me, Greta, Stella, and Ana down to the beach while my dad went to the candy shop and got Stella and Ana a praline. Me and Greta did not get as much as Stella and Ana because they didn’t go all the way to Biloxi like we did (because we were not supposed to go ahead without checking with our parents). Me and Greta ended up getting a small piece of praline thanks to my parents. It tasted like heaven.

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