Destin, FL

Posted by Stella on Friday Feb 11, 2011

Tuesday night we arrived at a campground in Destin, Florida. We stayed for two nights. The campground was really nice: the bathrooms were nice and clean and the water was heated.

We played freeze tag with lots of different rules. Like, blind (with our eyes closed), and “cake” which was only on the concrete, and “ice cream” which was only on the grass, and “puppet” which was when we pretended we were wooden and our limbs couldn’t move. There was also one where we could only run in one circle. We could change directions but couldn’t go out of the circle.

It was scary one time when we were playing freeze tag peacefully and suddenly there was the sound of a cat being tortured. It was a really loud meow that was a cat either scared horribly or it was chasing a mouse or someone shot it. But we saw it run off and go off under the porch of a house, so it was okay.

The bathroom light had a timer. After an hour it would shut off. When it shut off, you could turn it back on but it would shut off after an hour again. So one time I went in to take a shower and the light was on. I didn’t think about it shutting off. In the middle of my shower it flicked off and it was really, really dark for the rest of my shower.

I slept really well both nights at the campground.

Biking along the Gulf of Mexico

I outgrew my old bike, so, before we left Atlanta, I got a bigger bike. It has gears. This is my first bike with gears.

On Wednesday, we went on a ten mile bike ride along the Gulf of Mexico. It was on a very flat bike trail, which was nice because I got to test out my gears. We went five miles one way to run some errands, and on the way back we ate dinner at a restaurant. The first five miles were easy because the wind was blowing us forward. The way back was harder though. The wind was blowing us backward. It was not very hard for me though because I used my gears. It would have been way harder on my old bike and I felt really bad for Ellie because she was riding my old bike.

We ate dinner at a restaurant called Pompano Joe’s. I had fried shrimp with french fries, and it was delicious. Except for the back vein wasn’t taken out of the shrimp and it kind of grossed me out but it tasted great anyway.

We ate dinner here

After dinner it was really dark and raining a little and we had to ride two miles or so back to the campground. On the way we passed by palm trees lining the road. They had lights twisted up to the leaves, so they looked like pretty glowing candy canes.

We passed by about six sprinklers rotating in a yard. Me, Ellie, Ana, Greta, and Jean got lucky. Every single sprinkler was pointed away from us when we rode through. But my Dad was trailing behind at the wrong time. The sprinklers got him good.

Thursday morning, we left the campground to go to our next stop: the bayou.

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Our trip to Disneyworld last Winter

Posted by Ana on Sunday Jan 16, 2011

We went to Disney world last February. We got to look at fireworks behind the castle and there was a story about Maleficent. I got to get a Pooh Bear for my souvenir. We went with our whole family and my Uncle Stu. It was sort of cold. My favorite ride was Dumbo. My least favorite ride was Goofy’s Barnstormer. We stayed in our pop-up camper and we always had to take a boat from the campsite across the lake to the castle.

With Ariel in her Grotto

Ariel didn’t look like what I thought she would, she has curly hair. That was my first time ever meeting Ariel.

With Belle in Cinderella's Castle

We were eating lunch in Cinderella’s Castle and then all the princesses came up the stairs and took a picture with us. I’d never seen a real princess before.

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