Drumming With Bruno

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Sep 13, 2011 Under Travels

On Thursday at El Lago Del Bosque, one of our counselors, Bruno, gave a drumming class.

That afternoon, Dad came and found me while I was enjoying a passionfruit snow-cone. He told me to come to Bruno’s drumming class with him. So I put down my snow-cone and decided to go. I went around to the drumming classroom and sat down in a chair. Dad, Stella, Ellie, and another family were there. Bruno told me to grab a drum, so I did. My drum was big and tall. Then Bruno taught us three different ways to hit the drum and then four different rhythms. It was really fun, and I was pretty good at it! Bruno told us at the end that we were a very musical family. I’m glad I took the drumming class. I had a great time!!! :•)

Ritmo con Bruno

One Response to “Drumming With Bruno”

  1. brynn Says:

    i kind pof want to know how to drum :•) :*)

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