Playing Four-Square With Friends

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011 Under Travels

After meals at camp, we usually have a break, where we can do whatever we want. Play, dance; anything. So on the second day, Bella, Emelia, my sisters, and I decided to play four-square.

We drew the giant square with sidewalk chalk, and then wrote KING QUEEN KNIGHT and TRASH in the four sections. Then we played. And played and played and played. After EVERY single meal, my sisters and friends and I would run outside to play four-square, and sometimes we even got the counselors to play with us. On Friday, Nelson played with us for a REALLY long time, and he was really good at it too!!! He was almost always King, and when one of us became King he got us out as fast as lightning. It was still extremely fun, though.

Four square on the plaza

It was sad when we had to leave camp; that meant no more four-square! But it was great to be there and have so much fun with everyone.

¡Hasta la vista! 😉

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