Caperucita Roja

Posted by Ellie on Friday Sep 16, 2011 Under Travels

September 3 was our last day at spanish camp. After practicing for our play for the last day (little red riding hood) we took and break and waited for everyone to come. After singing we started our play. Stella was the Mama and Bella was little red riding hood and I was the grandma and Greta was the narator and Christian was the lobo (the wolf). Mama told caperucita to go and give me food. So off she went and on the way she meet the hunter. Oops. I forgot the hunter Logan. After that she went and started picking flowers and then she meet the lobo (the wolf). He said hi and asked were she was going and she said to my grandma’s. After that the lobo went and came and knocked on my door (I was grandma) and I opened it and screamed. I wasn’t supposed to but I had to grab my paper and said my lines. It was embarrassing. I don’t want to keep writing caperucita over and over again so I will call her little red. So little red came and said why are your ears so big and why are your eyes so big and then she asked why are your teeth so big and the lobo said to eat you. And so the lobo ate little red and then along came the hunter and cut open his belly and me and Bella jumped out and hugged each other and then filled the lobos belly with rocks and the we went to watch to see what would happen. Well the lobe got thirsty and bent over and fell into the water.

My dad's class did a skit, too

One Response to “Caperucita Roja”

  1. brynn Says:

    that sounds like an awesome skit ellie!! what did your dad do?

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