Jumping Off Rocks in South Dakota

Posted by Greta on Saturday Jan 1, 2011 Under Travels


Looks like Stella is having tons of fun!!!




Go Ellie!!!

We are jumping off a big rock into a freezing cold lake @ a buffalo sanctuary. (Even though it was mid-Summer 2010, it was FREEZING. Our lips were turning freakishly blue.) Stella, Ellie, and I were brave enough 2 jump off. SPLASSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Responses to “Jumping Off Rocks in South Dakota”

  1. abby feagans Says:

    wow!!! how deep was the water

  2. Nell Says:

    this is jenna nells friend do u remeber me?!! u r are probbaly a good swimmer!!! 🙂

  3. Carly Says:

    When are you coming down next? In the summer? 🙂

  4. Carly Says:


  5. Carly Says:

    HEY ELLIE!!!!!!!!!!

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