One Week In Iowa Has Passed!

Posted by Greta on Sunday Feb 20, 2011 Under Family

We arrived in Iowa exactly a week ago! It’s so different from Atlanta- yet I like it. School is nice; not nearly as big as Shamrock/Druid Hills. The middle school has less than a quarter of the people at Shamrock/Druid Hills, but my school here is middle AND high school. There are also trimesters here instead of semesters. Some of my new friends are Alanna, Rylee, Naomi, Emily, Erin, Nicole, and Sydney. But don’t worry, Atlanta friends, you’re not being replaced! I miss y’all a lot. (sob)
It was the end of the trimester on Thursday, so we celebrated by watching Secretariat and having popcorn and soda. My Granddad is in that movie, and so everyone around me was asking me to point him out. It was a good day.
On Friday, we did a little schoolwork, and I thought of a good survey question for all you blog readers:

Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Jean thought I should write something in Spanish for the blog, so soon, I will figure out how to say that phrase. As for which one you think, just leave your answer as a comment under this post, and the results will be posted in a week.
Here is what a few people I’m hanging out with right now think about this question:

Ana: the chicken
Dad: the egg
me: I think the egg just fell from space, and it hatched the first chicken.
Stella: the egg
Ellie: the egg, “since the chicken HAD to come from an egg”
Jean: the chicken
Aunt Janice: the chicken
Aunt Mary: the chicken

Grandpa, who’s sleeping, would probably say something like, “the cow.”
Miss you all. Bye!!!

8 Responses to “One Week In Iowa Has Passed!”

  1. Bav Says:

    I think the chicken and the egg walked in together, laid down a funky groove, and then boogied across the road.

  2. Grand Daddy Andy Says:

    The chicken came from across the road and laid the egg. This also answers the question of “Why did the chicken cross the road”?

  3. Brynn Says:

    i think the egg. but i dont know why. by the way did you get my letter yet?????????
    love you and miss you!!!!(ALOOOOOOOOT)

  4. Tayla Myree Says:

    hey its tayla Greta’s friend from shamrock! well just to let you know all of us on the bus miss u, especially Cort (and Erica) and my answer is the chicken!

  5. maia schne Says:

    hey greta…i say the chicken, because if the garden of eden was real, then adam would just eat the egg, and there would be no more chickens. and that is the answer to life. 🙂

  6. Carter Says:

    i think the egg came first!!!! We miss you so much greta!!!!

  7. Greta Says:

    Actually, I changed my mind; it was definitely the chicken. Adam & Eve just appeared out of nowhere, didn’t they?
    Love & miss you all!

    P.S. Tayla Myree,
    Say Hi to Cort 4 me, will you?

  8. Mirina Says:

    definetly the egg. it popped out of no where and then it became a chicken. OR it was a mutated egg of other sorts……. 🙂

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