On the Farm

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Feb 15, 2011 Under Family

On the Family Farm

Every summer we go visit Uncle Gary and Aunt Kim’s family farm. Last summer we went to help them in the garden. We helped dig up radishes. I like to help them; it makes me feel like a farmgirl.

4 Responses to “On the Farm”

  1. annie Says:

    Hi,Ellie! I miss you so much!Please show me everything you see! (your writing was great,you demonsrated egg-zactly what we were talking about!It was like magic!


  2. brynn Says:

    GRETA your hair is soooooo LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you and miss you!!!

  3. Carter Says:

    hey Greta,
    carter here miss you so much u need to check your email i left u like 5.

  4. Carter Says:

    hey Greta,
    Jahmila here!HOPE YOUR HAVING A FUN TIME ON THE TRIP!!!!!!!!:D and again thanks sooooooooooooo much 4 the JUSTIN BIEBER shirt!!!!!!!!LUV IT!

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