My First Day of School in Iowa

Posted by Stella on Saturday Feb 19, 2011 Under Family

Thursday was first day of school in Lansing, IA. There were some girls in my class I already knew from our summers here and from the swim team. But I met lots of new friends, too. Since my teacher (my Aunt Lisa!) wasn’t there on Thursday, we had two substitutes and I didn’t know their names.

My friends had to help me through the day. They helped me open my locker. I’ve never had a locker before. And they helped me with my lunch tray at lunch. I had never bought a school lunch before. It was kind of scary. They went really fast through the lunch line and I didn’t know my lunch number so Ms. Mary told me that she would give it to me later.

We played a division game and my table won.

At recess, my old friends and new friends invited me to play jumprope, four square, and volleyball. I had fun. Jumprope was my favorite. After recess, we went back to the classroom and got to read a book.

Then we went to the gym to watch a movie called Secretariat. I was excited because my grandad had a small part in the movie. I pointed out to my friends where my grandad was in the movie. They thought it was so cool. But other people in my class told me the movie was just a dumb horse movie and it kind of hurt my feelings. There were a few boys that were picking on me.

When I went into the school, I saw a drawing by another student of Taylor Swift. It was posted in the hallway. I thought I could draw one, too. So, yesterday Greta and I went to the library and got a magazine with a picture of her on the front. I want you to know I did not trace it. I drew it. This is my drawing…

My Drawing of Taylor Swift

I had fun at my first day of school.

10 Responses to “My First Day of School in Iowa”

  1. brynn Says:

    Hey Stella, that’s a REALLY GOOD DRAWING!!!!! you sound like your having fun at your new school!!!!!
    By the way, how long are you going to be in Lansing!!!!!!
    Well hope you have fun!!!!!!!!!
    ~Love You alot

  2. Joshua Hopkins Says:

    Wat did u eat at lunch 
    good drawing also

  3. aunt jana Says:

    hey stell,
    very impressive drawing. I’m keeping an eye on your travels. We miss seeing you guys already. tell everyone we said hi!
    love you

  4. will asher Says:

    What scene is your grandfather in? We just finished watching it like 10 minutes ago it was good.By the way the drawing is really good.

  5. Van Says:

    Will, Stella’s grandad is in the scene where all the reporters are gathered around Penny and the rival horse owner before the KY Derby. Stella’s grandad is the reporter in the yellow jacket.

  6. Grand Mom Becky Says:

    Grand Dad and I think you did a fantastic job on your drawing.
    Is it for sale?

  7. Aunt Barbara Says:

    I think we should find Taylor Swift’s address and send her your picture for an autograph. I think it’s beautiful and she would love it. You are so talented!

  8. Kathy Ober Says:

    I agree with you’re Aunt Barbara.
    The Picture is beautiful.

  9. Nell Says:

    AWESOME drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Carly Says:

    Stella that is nice drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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