At Halloween

Posted by Ana on Friday Dec 31, 2010 Under Family


I was a baterina for Halloween. It was so much fun at Halloween with my grandad. We made a castle made of cardboard and put it in front of our house so people could come trick or treating and see it. I helped paint the castle black. There were a ton of people at our Halloween party. My grandad, my dad’s friend bobby, my dad, and greta were all in the play. The play was about a vampire named Count Dracula. We made cranberry juice to make it look like blood.

Dracula's Castle, Halloween 2010

3 Responses to “At Halloween”

  1. Mary Says:

    Ana, you look so cute!

  2. Greta Says:

    That costume was ADORABLE. I’m glad you chose that over that Ariel costume! (:

  3. Ellie Says:

    Ana you’re the cutest baterina in the world!!!

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