My First Day of School in Iowa

Posted by Ana on Thursday Feb 17, 2011 Under Family

Yesterday was my first day of school in Iowa. My school is in New Albin, Iowa. We have to take a bus to get there and get back at the end of the day. Me and Ellie’s friend, Nell, takes us to the bus in the morning and the afternoon. Sometimes we might get confused and get on the wrong bus. That’s why she helps us on the first two days.

Lansing and New Albin are towns on the Mississippi River. The river is frozen right now and our camper is winterized since it is so cold and there is lots of snow.

The Frozen Mississippi River

I got to buy lunch in the cafeteria at school. I have never bought lunch before. The lunch is better than the lunch in Atlanta. The lunch in Atlanta was like hot dogs and fries, but the school lunch here is better than hot dogs and french fries at my old school because hot dogs and french fries are bad for you. We have lettuce and french salad dressing and we have hamburger thingys that were kind of like hamburgers but they were not hamburgers. At our Iowa school we get to go for seconds.

I met a friend named Regan. My teacher is very very nice. She lets us get up and get a tissue if we want or do something else. We do some work that is just right for me.

On Thursday (today) school was delayed because it was really foggy outside.

Lots of Fog on the River Today

I was sort of glad that school was delayed so we would have half a day, so soon it would be lunch time. I like lunch time.

5 Responses to “My First Day of School in Iowa”

  1. Brynn Says:

    how long will you be there in school??????

  2. Tricia Says:

    ana, I think half days are fun.

  3. Kathy Ober Says:

    It’s fun to see the Mississippi frozen. It tells me to slow down a little and rest because thaw will be here soon and things will go fast again.

  4. Nell Hogan Says:

    Hi Anna. Wish you were still riding the bus with me. Miss you. We had no school today because of snow. I wish you could be sledding with me.

  5. Nell Says:

    hi ana this is jenna remember me i played the wii with 🙂

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