Stella Petting Chicken

Posted by Stella on Friday Dec 31, 2010 Under Family, Travels

World's friendliest chicken

I got to pet a chicken on my uncle Greg’s farm today! He sat there and let me pet him! He was so friendly.
Above is a picture of him.

5 Responses to “Stella Petting Chicken”

  1. Greta Says:

    That is SO COOL!!! Wish I could have been there!

  2. Ana Says:

    stella I have never seen the world friendliest chicken at Greg’s farm!

  3. lindsay lizars Says:

    Hi stella you are awesome and we miss you so much I wish I were with you.The chicken is so cute that you are petting.Just came on so I could see a pic. of you bye and have ALOT of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Joshua Hopkins Says:


  5. Nell Says:

    I WISH i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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