Alberta Visitor Center

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011

On June 12, after leaving Glacier National Park we went to the Alberta Visitor Center, just outside of the park. Ana was cleaning her room and Greta was doing math. Me and Stella went with the parents.

When we got inside there was this huge skeleton of a T-rex. We went to fill up Daddy’s waterbottles for him. After that we went and looked around. We were brushing off dinosaur bones and then we went to go and look at some other stuff. We came to this room with a saddle that you could get on. We both took turns on the saddle. There was a wagon that you could sit on. Stella told me to come and sit with her. When I got up I told her that I wanted to go back in the wagon. I tried to but I did not realize that it was just wood so I ran right into it. Me and Stella had a good laugh about it. We played in there for a little while.

When we went out Mommy told us there was lot of horseback riding in Canada. Then Mommy told us it was time to leave. We went and looked at a few other things and then we left.

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Lake McDonald

Posted by Ana on Sunday Jun 19, 2011

June 12 we went back to Glacier. In Glacier we saw lots of animals. We saw two deer, a black bear, mountain goats, a snowshoe hare, and a columbia ground squirrel.

This snowshoe hare was hanging out near a trail

We also heard a bird that sounded like a whistle. Mama said it could have been a flash flood warning. Stella said it could have been a tornado. Mama said it could have been a guy blowing his whistle to his kids because it was time to go home. Or I thought maybe it could be a little kid who just got a new whistle and he’s blowing it for fun.

We went to a visetre center and asked some Qestens. I asked can a moos swim across mc donold lake. And asked a few more Qestens. [Editor’s note: original spelling preserved.]

The answer was yes, people have seen a moose swim across the lake. The ranger said the moose probably swam across because it was scared of a grizzly bear. I asked how much snow does Glacier National Park get per year. I don’t remember the answer. We also asked about the whistle bird. It was a bird. The ranger said it was a thrush.

Hanging out at Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park

And then we went to the lake and had lunch. Before we ate lunch me and Ellie played down by the lake. Mama said take a flat rock and throw it into a lake or a creek or a pond or a deep puddle and it will skip. We played a game to see who could find the best rocks. And we played horses. Ellie had a giant stick, and I had my rainboots on. Ellie would throw it out into the lake, not too far, and I would go out and get it. And now I’m sad my story is done.

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Celebrating Jean’s Birthday at the Elkhorn Grill

Posted by Stella on Saturday Jun 18, 2011

June 11th, we drove out of Glacier National Park to look for a place to go out for Jean’s birthday. I was hoping we’d go get a Dairy Queen ice cream-cake after dinner, but no such luck. Instead, we looked out the windows for restaurants to stop at and celebrate. We passed a pizza place that I really wanted to go to, but we drove right past it. The parents said we might go back and check it out, but no luck on that either. Boo.

We just kept on driving and soon after the pizza place, we spotted “The Huckleberry Patch”. There was a restaurant there and the sign didn’t say what they served, but I didn’t care because the sign did say, “Homemade Huckleberry Milkshakes and Ice Cream!” I was lured. I wasn’t too surprised when we pulled into the parking lot, but I was when we drove right back out. Wow! Terrible luck that day! It’s a shame it was on Jean’s birthday. But what happened next turned it around.

We drove a little more and then we saw a restaurant called the Elkhorn Grill. It didn’t look too great to me, and it got even worse when the waitress said they weren’t serving dinner anymore, only burgers and baskets. We looked at the menus and Jean said we’d try it out. So we did. I ordered a cheeseburger. I was going to get an elk burger, but it was more expensive than a regular burger, plus, Jean said it would taste the same as a normal one, and that it was too big for me to eat by myself. That last reason wouldn’t really matter except that if I had to split it with one of my sisters, I thought that half wouldn’t be enough. I still ignored the last part, and was going to split one with Ellie, but Ellie likes tomatoes, and I really don’t like them, I was going to get it with cheese, but Ellie doesn’t like burgers with cheese. So obviously, that didn’t work. I just gave up and got a cheeseburger. It was really good. And the fries that I got with it were delicious!

Celebrating Jean's birthday at the Elkhorn Grill

Then, when we’d finished, we ordered a piece of huckleberry pie with ice cream, a piece of strawberry cheesecake, and some nice, moist carrot cake for dessert. The waitress even gave us candles and lit them for us. We sang Happy Birthday and Jean blew out the candle. We had a great time on Jean’s birthday.

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Where are the Mountain Goats?

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 16, 2011

After the long hike we came to a large clearing and saw Avalanche Lake. The lake was big and the water was green and blue. It was surrounded by mountains. At the bottom of the lake, where we were, was a log jam. There were logs piled up every were. Daddy and Greta went and took pictures of the log jam and of the mountains. We touched the lake. It was freezing!

Logs pile up at the bottom of Avalanche Lake

We were eating some trail mix when a lady said, “there are mountain goats up there.” We all looked at were she was pointing. I could’t tell where she was pointing. Then I saw them. They were tiny white dots way up on the mountain side, but we could see them move. Two of them jumped across a gap. We wached them for a long time. Then I saw that there was a mountain goat with something following it. I realized that it was a baby. I told every one about it.

You can't make out the mountain goats way up on the mountain side, but they are up there and we saw them!

We all loved seeing mountain goats for the first time. I hope we can see mountain goats again!

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Glacier National Park

Posted by Greta on Thursday Jun 16, 2011

On June 11th, Jean’s birthday, we finally went to Glacier National Park.

We arrived there in the mid-afternoon, around two or three. Dad checked out the visitor center, and then we drove to the trailhead of the hike we would be doing, the Avalanche Lake hike. Well, before I tell you about the hike, I should probably explain exactly what a glacier is.

*Speaks in teacher voice* Well, a glacier is a mass of ice that is frozen all year long. Glaciers move just inches each year. The neat thing is that a glacier can produce massive amounts of runoff/snowmelt constantly without completely melting away. As the mountain shelves where the glaciers are slowly fill up with snow, the snow and ice overflows and moves verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slowly down the mountain. As it goes down, it grinds up the mountain with it, creating the glacial dust that makes the water in the lakes and streams a beautiful light blue-green color. So eventually the overflow reaches areas of warmer temperatures and it melts, creating streams and filling lakes with the snowmelt.

So, we left on the Avalanche Lake hike. It was fairly long, 4.6 miles, but it was beautiful. The stream we were walking next to, Avalanche Creek, was thundering down the valley, cutting through the rock walls, and roaring over huge boulders. In some places the creek was moving so fast and splashing so hard against the rocks, it looked like there water fountains shooting up from the stream. The creek was that pretty blue-green color, and it was filled with multicolored rocks. The rocks were green, purple, yellow, red, blue, pink- and they were everywhere. In the rapidly-moving stream, on the path, in the forest…

Along a relatively calm stretch of Avalanche Creek

We walked along the path, going slightly uphill for most of the way to the lake. We saw lots of cool stuff, including bear scat but unfortunately no bears. After a long uphill walk, we got to Avalanche Lake, which filled a large U-shaped shelf in the valley and was surrounded on all sides by mountain walls and waterfalls. We could see the edge of the glaciers between the surrounding mountain peaks.

Me, Dad, and incredible mountains at Avalanche Lake in Glacier National Park

There was another surprise waiting for us at the Lake, but Ellie will tell you about that in another post.

We ate our bag of trail mix at the lake, and then walked back. After our hike, we left Glacier National Park and went to find a restaurant where we could celebrate Jean’s birthday. It was a beautiful park and a great day! 😀

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The World’s Most Fun Swinging Bridge

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011

On June 10, we drove from Bayview, ID into Montana. We were heading for Glacier National Park.

This state border is not the farthest from home, but it sure took us a long time to get here

Along the way, we passed a small county park in the Kootenai river valley in Montana. We decided to check it out. We went to Kootenai falls. We hiked though the forest. We walked for a long time until we came to a bridge across a railroad. We walked on it and down these steps. Greta told me to look down. I looked down and I got real mad because I realized we were up really high. She made me scared. I walked down the stairs until we came to the bottom.

We walked and we walked and then we heard the roaring river. We walked until we came to the swinging bridge. It was made out of all wood. When I got on I loved it already. We walked on it and then it started to shake. Greta was shaking it. I told her that it was scary when she did that so she stopped doing it. We went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth across the bridge. I really did not want to leave but we had to.

Approaching the swinging bridge

Walking across the Kootenai river on the swinging bridge

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The Fisherman Club

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011

One day in Bayview, me and Ana were really bored. Then Ana said let’s go fishing! Then I got up and went inside the R.V. I got string and my scissors. I told Ana to go and find two sticks. When she came back we cut the string and then tied the string around the the sticks. Then we got a rock and tied it at the end of the rock. Then we went fishing.

Fishing in the stream next to our camper

We went inside we made a sign that said something like this. Welcome to the Fisherman Club. Go and pick out a stick and we’l make you a fishing pole! Hope you have fun in the club! We waited and waited for for along time until Stella said I’ll join. We went out and made her a fishing pole and gave her a tour. We showed her the bridges and the forest and the duck hideout and the waterfalls and the small sand bar and the place were we saw these black fish. Then we all went fishing together. We saw ducks and we touched the water. It was freezing. We played every day. Ana said she caught a fish and came to tell me, but a bird caught it.

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Dinner at Bob and Elsie’s

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011

Thursday, June 9th, we biked from our campground down to Dad’s friends, Bob and Elsie’s, house. It was a short and nice ride. We arrived and Bob and Elsie waved us inside. We all hung out in the living room for a while and then the parents said Greta, Ellie, Ana and I could go outside to play. When we first went outside, we were in the smaller part of the backyard. We took off our shoes and socks and made a people pyramid. Greta and I were on the bottom, Ellie next, with one knee and hand on my back, and the other hand knee on Greta’s back. Ana was supposed to be getting on Ellie’s back, but when she finally got one knee on, Greta and I collapsed from the weight. We all laughed and got up.

With our friends, Bob and Elsie, in Bayview, ID

Then I told my sisters that there was another part of the backyard. I led them to it and we explored. It was much, much bigger than the yard we were in before. It had a bonus, too. There was a huge hedge that was great for hiding behind, and it came in handy for the talent show. Yes, the talent show. I’ll tell you about that in a minute. But first, we played Bite tag. Ana told you what it was in an earlier post, but I’ll tell you again. It’s not like we chase each other and when we get tagged, we get bitten. No way. It’s where Ellie pretends to be a crazy animal: part dog, cow, cat, lion, tiger, and I don’t know what else, but it acts like it has rabies. I mean, she doesn’t turn completely evil, just extremely wild and crazy. So it’s just where Bite chases us around and tries to tag us; that’s why we call it Bite tag.

So we played Bite tag for a while and soon it was time for dinner. We went inside wondering what it was. I was surprised to discover that Elsie had made tacos for us. I love, love, love tacos! And these were better than any I had ever had! I’m not going to say what was on it because you’ll get too hungry and you’ll go begging to your mom for it, but I’ll just say that it was wonderful. I went back for seconds and thirds, and finally I was done.

Oh, my gosh! I couldn’t even believe what came next! It was Hoggin Dogs ice cream! You’re probably thinking, ” Hoggin Dogs? What on Earth is Hoggin Dogs? You mean, Haggen Daz? That kind of ice cream?” And yes, that’s what I mean, but I meant to say it like Hoggin Dogs, not the correct way, Haggen Daz. I said it like that because Ellie didn’t know how to pronounce it at first, and she called it Hoggin Dogs. The name just stuck. But yeah, we had some after dinner, mixed with Moose Tracks. That’s another kind of ice cream. It was all so good, and so was what came next.

Next was our talent show! Actually, it wasn’t our real talent show, just the practice for it. It was really fun, though. Especially the practice. The first act was an act about a girl who loved bubble gum so much and ate it so much that one day, her mom didn’t care anymore if she bought bubble gum instead of what she was supposed to be buying. Her mom’s only instructions were to stay alive, and guess what the girl did? She choked on bubble gum!!

The second act was the ” Who Let the Dogs Out?” thing. We were crazy dogs that sang that and then, when all the grown-ups were supposed to think the act was over, we’d all sneak out and slowly creep up on the audience and then sing loudly, ” We know who let the dogs out! You! You! You! We know who let the dogs out! You! You! You! You let the dogs out! You! You! You!” And we would keep singing that until the act actually was over. That one was really fun! And then the finishing act…

The Macarena! The only problem was that Ellie and Ana didn’t know how to do it. So me and Greta just did it on our own. And you know how right before you spin the next direction, you sing, “Hey, Macarena! Oww!” ? When we said “Oww!”, we slapped each other’s butts just to make it less boring.

When we finished the talent show, the audience cheered and clapped for us. Then we thanked Bob and Elsie and set off for the nice bike ride home.

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Hiking up a Mountain

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011

June 9 we hiked up a mountain in Bayview. Daddy says the mountain is called Cape Horn. We saw a moose slash horse. It was a moose slash horse because it was too far away to know if it was a moose or a horse. It was a horse.

Back to the hike up the mountain. It was easy and short. My daddy really wanted us to see the mountain and the views of the lake. We got to see where mountain goats live, but we did not see any mountain goats.

Hiking on Cape Horn, above lake Pend Oreille

Then we got rode our bikes back to the RV and qwickley as posabol chopt up some fruit and made a fruit salad and headed for Bob and Elsie’s*.

[*Editor’s note: like Ana’s previous post, selected original spellings have been preserved for posterity.]

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The Nightingales

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011

On the evening of June 8th, we went to have dinner with some friends of my dad’s, Duane and Dawn Nightingale. We met them and their kids, Emily and Alex. Emily was almost 15 (happy birthday, Emily!) and Alex was my age. They were all very nice.

We played on Emily’s new Wii for a bit before it was time to have dinner; it was pizza, chips and salsa, and fruit salad. The food was great, and we had a really nice conversation.

After dinner, we went back to the living room and continued our game of Wii golf. Then we made a whole bunch of random Miis and then played baseball, bowling, and boxing. We only played one game of boxing ’cause Stella went down really quickly and she said it was too violent. So then we played more baseball and golf. It was fun.

Soon though, we had to say goodbye because it had gotten very late. We thanked them for dinner and then we loaded up in the RV and drove back to our campground. It was a great night!

The next day, Duane came by the campground with another nice friend of my dad ‘s, Jeanie. The adults hung out together for a bit.

With Bayview friends, Duane and Jeanie

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