The World’s Most Fun Swinging Bridge

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011 Under Travels

On June 10, we drove from Bayview, ID into Montana. We were heading for Glacier National Park.

This state border is not the farthest from home, but it sure took us a long time to get here

Along the way, we passed a small county park in the Kootenai river valley in Montana. We decided to check it out. We went to Kootenai falls. We hiked though the forest. We walked for a long time until we came to a bridge across a railroad. We walked on it and down these steps. Greta told me to look down. I looked down and I got real mad because I realized we were up really high. She made me scared. I walked down the stairs until we came to the bottom.

We walked and we walked and then we heard the roaring river. We walked until we came to the swinging bridge. It was made out of all wood. When I got on I loved it already. We walked on it and then it started to shake. Greta was shaking it. I told her that it was scary when she did that so she stopped doing it. We went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth across the bridge. I really did not want to leave but we had to.

Approaching the swinging bridge

Walking across the Kootenai river on the swinging bridge

2 Responses to “The World’s Most Fun Swinging Bridge”

  1. Sadie Says:

    Nice looking shirt Ellie!(;

  2. GrandMom Becky Says:

    That rasakaly “Greta” shaking that bridge.

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