Celebrating Jean’s Birthday at the Elkhorn Grill

Posted by Stella on Saturday Jun 18, 2011 Under Travels

June 11th, we drove out of Glacier National Park to look for a place to go out for Jean’s birthday. I was hoping we’d go get a Dairy Queen ice cream-cake after dinner, but no such luck. Instead, we looked out the windows for restaurants to stop at and celebrate. We passed a pizza place that I really wanted to go to, but we drove right past it. The parents said we might go back and check it out, but no luck on that either. Boo.

We just kept on driving and soon after the pizza place, we spotted “The Huckleberry Patch”. There was a restaurant there and the sign didn’t say what they served, but I didn’t care because the sign did say, “Homemade Huckleberry Milkshakes and Ice Cream!” I was lured. I wasn’t too surprised when we pulled into the parking lot, but I was when we drove right back out. Wow! Terrible luck that day! It’s a shame it was on Jean’s birthday. But what happened next turned it around.

We drove a little more and then we saw a restaurant called the Elkhorn Grill. It didn’t look too great to me, and it got even worse when the waitress said they weren’t serving dinner anymore, only burgers and baskets. We looked at the menus and Jean said we’d try it out. So we did. I ordered a cheeseburger. I was going to get an elk burger, but it was more expensive than a regular burger, plus, Jean said it would taste the same as a normal one, and that it was too big for me to eat by myself. That last reason wouldn’t really matter except that if I had to split it with one of my sisters, I thought that half wouldn’t be enough. I still ignored the last part, and was going to split one with Ellie, but Ellie likes tomatoes, and I really don’t like them, I was going to get it with cheese, but Ellie doesn’t like burgers with cheese. So obviously, that didn’t work. I just gave up and got a cheeseburger. It was really good. And the fries that I got with it were delicious!

Celebrating Jean's birthday at the Elkhorn Grill

Then, when we’d finished, we ordered a piece of huckleberry pie with ice cream, a piece of strawberry cheesecake, and some nice, moist carrot cake for dessert. The waitress even gave us candles and lit them for us. We sang Happy Birthday and Jean blew out the candle. We had a great time on Jean’s birthday.

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