Where are the Mountain Goats?

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 16, 2011 Under Travels

After the long hike we came to a large clearing and saw Avalanche Lake. The lake was big and the water was green and blue. It was surrounded by mountains. At the bottom of the lake, where we were, was a log jam. There were logs piled up every were. Daddy and Greta went and took pictures of the log jam and of the mountains. We touched the lake. It was freezing!

Logs pile up at the bottom of Avalanche Lake

We were eating some trail mix when a lady said, “there are mountain goats up there.” We all looked at were she was pointing. I could’t tell where she was pointing. Then I saw them. They were tiny white dots way up on the mountain side, but we could see them move. Two of them jumped across a gap. We wached them for a long time. Then I saw that there was a mountain goat with something following it. I realized that it was a baby. I told every one about it.

You can't make out the mountain goats way up on the mountain side, but they are up there and we saw them!

We all loved seeing mountain goats for the first time. I hope we can see mountain goats again!

3 Responses to “Where are the Mountain Goats?”

  1. Holly, Carson & Sam Says:

    WOW! It’s beautiful there! Thanks for posting pictures.

  2. brynn Says:

    you guys look like you are having fun!!!!

  3. GrandMom Becky Says:

    What georgous country. Are you sure it is for r e a l?

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