Dinner at Bob and Elsie’s

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Jun 15, 2011 Under Travels

Thursday, June 9th, we biked from our campground down to Dad’s friends, Bob and Elsie’s, house. It was a short and nice ride. We arrived and Bob and Elsie waved us inside. We all hung out in the living room for a while and then the parents said Greta, Ellie, Ana and I could go outside to play. When we first went outside, we were in the smaller part of the backyard. We took off our shoes and socks and made a people pyramid. Greta and I were on the bottom, Ellie next, with one knee and hand on my back, and the other hand knee on Greta’s back. Ana was supposed to be getting on Ellie’s back, but when she finally got one knee on, Greta and I collapsed from the weight. We all laughed and got up.

With our friends, Bob and Elsie, in Bayview, ID

Then I told my sisters that there was another part of the backyard. I led them to it and we explored. It was much, much bigger than the yard we were in before. It had a bonus, too. There was a huge hedge that was great for hiding behind, and it came in handy for the talent show. Yes, the talent show. I’ll tell you about that in a minute. But first, we played Bite tag. Ana told you what it was in an earlier post, but I’ll tell you again. It’s not like we chase each other and when we get tagged, we get bitten. No way. It’s where Ellie pretends to be a crazy animal: part dog, cow, cat, lion, tiger, and I don’t know what else, but it acts like it has rabies. I mean, she doesn’t turn completely evil, just extremely wild and crazy. So it’s just where Bite chases us around and tries to tag us; that’s why we call it Bite tag.

So we played Bite tag for a while and soon it was time for dinner. We went inside wondering what it was. I was surprised to discover that Elsie had made tacos for us. I love, love, love tacos! And these were better than any I had ever had! I’m not going to say what was on it because you’ll get too hungry and you’ll go begging to your mom for it, but I’ll just say that it was wonderful. I went back for seconds and thirds, and finally I was done.

Oh, my gosh! I couldn’t even believe what came next! It was Hoggin Dogs ice cream! You’re probably thinking, ” Hoggin Dogs? What on Earth is Hoggin Dogs? You mean, Haggen Daz? That kind of ice cream?” And yes, that’s what I mean, but I meant to say it like Hoggin Dogs, not the correct way, Haggen Daz. I said it like that because Ellie didn’t know how to pronounce it at first, and she called it Hoggin Dogs. The name just stuck. But yeah, we had some after dinner, mixed with Moose Tracks. That’s another kind of ice cream. It was all so good, and so was what came next.

Next was our talent show! Actually, it wasn’t our real talent show, just the practice for it. It was really fun, though. Especially the practice. The first act was an act about a girl who loved bubble gum so much and ate it so much that one day, her mom didn’t care anymore if she bought bubble gum instead of what she was supposed to be buying. Her mom’s only instructions were to stay alive, and guess what the girl did? She choked on bubble gum!!

The second act was the ” Who Let the Dogs Out?” thing. We were crazy dogs that sang that and then, when all the grown-ups were supposed to think the act was over, we’d all sneak out and slowly creep up on the audience and then sing loudly, ” We know who let the dogs out! You! You! You! We know who let the dogs out! You! You! You! You let the dogs out! You! You! You!” And we would keep singing that until the act actually was over. That one was really fun! And then the finishing act…

The Macarena! The only problem was that Ellie and Ana didn’t know how to do it. So me and Greta just did it on our own. And you know how right before you spin the next direction, you sing, “Hey, Macarena! Oww!” ? When we said “Oww!”, we slapped each other’s butts just to make it less boring.

When we finished the talent show, the audience cheered and clapped for us. Then we thanked Bob and Elsie and set off for the nice bike ride home.

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