Alberta Visitor Center

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011 Under Travels

On June 12, after leaving Glacier National Park we went to the Alberta Visitor Center, just outside of the park. Ana was cleaning her room and Greta was doing math. Me and Stella went with the parents.

When we got inside there was this huge skeleton of a T-rex. We went to fill up Daddy’s waterbottles for him. After that we went and looked around. We were brushing off dinosaur bones and then we went to go and look at some other stuff. We came to this room with a saddle that you could get on. We both took turns on the saddle. There was a wagon that you could sit on. Stella told me to come and sit with her. When I got up I told her that I wanted to go back in the wagon. I tried to but I did not realize that it was just wood so I ran right into it. Me and Stella had a good laugh about it. We played in there for a little while.

When we went out Mommy told us there was lot of horseback riding in Canada. Then Mommy told us it was time to leave. We went and looked at a few other things and then we left.

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