Leaving El Lago del Bosque

Posted by Ellie on Friday Sep 16, 2011

After getting everything ready to leave Spanish camp we all went to brunch . It breakfast and lunch mixed together. We were having breakfast boritoes. There was eggs, cheese, sausage, and, salsa. Yummy!!!!!!!

Me Ana and stella were going around getting all the counselors signatures. They all wrote really nice stuff like you were great to have and your very pretty and your great at Spanish and thank for being well behaved and so on. 😉

Dancing in the square together on the last day

After having brunch we all went to go and sing. We sang and danced to all the songs that the counselors taught us. It was so fun but it was so sad that we had to leave all our friends plus the food ha ha and the counselors. I had a few tears in my eye because I loved camp so much. We had so much fun in just a week. I so want to go back.

We loved it at spanish camp

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Caperucita Roja

Posted by Ellie on Friday Sep 16, 2011

September 3 was our last day at spanish camp. After practicing for our play for the last day (little red riding hood) we took and break and waited for everyone to come. After singing we started our play. Stella was the Mama and Bella was little red riding hood and I was the grandma and Greta was the narator and Christian was the lobo (the wolf). Mama told caperucita to go and give me food. So off she went and on the way she meet the hunter. Oops. I forgot the hunter Logan. After that she went and started picking flowers and then she meet the lobo (the wolf). He said hi and asked were she was going and she said to my grandma’s. After that the lobo went and came and knocked on my door (I was grandma) and I opened it and screamed. I wasn’t supposed to but I had to grab my paper and said my lines. It was embarrassing. I don’t want to keep writing caperucita over and over again so I will call her little red. So little red came and said why are your ears so big and why are your eyes so big and then she asked why are your teeth so big and the lobo said to eat you. And so the lobo ate little red and then along came the hunter and cut open his belly and me and Bella jumped out and hugged each other and then filled the lobos belly with rocks and the we went to watch to see what would happen. Well the lobe got thirsty and bent over and fell into the water.

My dad's class did a skit, too

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We Made Friends!

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 16, 2011

Oun day we went to a spenesh omershen camp in northern menasod. we made friends!:). We hade three now friends! Are friends names were Bella and rosa and olive. All I no is that Bella is from wes consen . Olive was from shoogo! Rosa was from manasoda! I liked them they were never mean they were always verenise!

We hade a sleepover on the last nite of spenesh. We drank are gouse and rede are bed time story in then brushed are teeth and went to bed!


[Editor’s translation:]
One day we went to a spanish immersion camp in northern Minnesota. We made friends! 🙂 We made three new friends! Our friends names were Bella and Rosa and Olivia. All I know is that Bella is from Wisconsin. Olivia was from Chicago! Rosa was from Minnesota! I liked them. They were never mean. They were always very nice!

We hade a sleepover on the last night of spanish camp [September 2]. We drank our juice and read our bedtime story and then brushed our teeth and went to bed!

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Posted by Stella on Friday Sep 16, 2011

September 2nd, after the carnilval, we went down to the fire for singing. There was a surprise waiting at the fire. When we got down to the fire, there were already a lot of people there. We started our usual singing and the counselors announced the surprise. S’mores! They got out the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Then they said that the grownups should roast the marshmallows and make them for the kids so I sat down and waited while they prepared our s’mores. When they were done, our parents handed them off to us. Yum! Those were good s’mores! When we finished, I went up to the cafeteria room to get some water, and right after that, I went to bed.

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El Carnival

Posted by Stella on Friday Sep 16, 2011

September 2nd was the last full day at camp. We “comi” (ate) dinner and then the counselors told us to go to the central of “actividades”. I ran over there and threw open the door. Carnivale tiempo! There were all kinds of actividades filling the room. I tried not to look at anything except the actividade I was facing. I waited in line until it was my turn. Paola, an awesome counselor, handed me a pole with a plastic string on the end like a loop. In front of me sat a bucket full of agua and on top of the agua sat a bunch of rosado, azul, y amarillo plastic ducks. I reached my pole out and hooked the loop around an amarillo duck’s cabesa. I slowly and carefully lifted the duck out of the agua and Paola congratulated me. I guess not many people can get the ducks out of the agua. Then she lifted the duck off the pole and flipped it over so she could see the bottom. When she saw it, she smiled. I looked and there was an estrella (star). Yay! That meant that I would get tres tickets instead of uno! I said “gracias” and went to the next actividade.

I stepped up to one of my favorite counselors, ( I love them all!) named Vero. There was a “pequeño” chica named Grace waiting for a second persona to come and do the dos-persona actividade, so I volunteered to race her. Vero told us to each take a take a papel plato and plastic huevo and use the plato to whip the aire around the huevo and make it move. We started, and I whipped the aire as hard as I could. I won the race! Grace got un ticket and I got dos. Whoo! I was doing bien so far.

Shaving a balloon

The next actividade was “Shave the Globo (balloon) “! Another one of my favorite counselors, Edgar, was standing behind a mesa (table) wearing a clear, plastic, raincoat that was covering everything on him except for his face. It even had a hood. He was wearing safety goggles, too, and he looked hilarious! He told me what I had to do, so when he finished explaining, he smeared shaving cream all over a globo and held it out in front of me. I picked up the razor laying on the mesa and began to shave. My razor soon became covered in shaving cream and I noticed a bucket of agua on the mesa. I rinsed my razor off and continued shaving. Then another awesome counselor, Nelson, came over to watch me shave my globo. I glanced at him– my big mistake– and I got drenched in shaving cream! Nelson calmly walked away right on tiempo. He didn’t get splattered one bit. Why did my globo have to pop right then? I was almost done shaving the whole thing! Oh, well, at least I got dos tickets.

What happens when you shave a balloon

The next actividade was agua pingpong. I grabbed Ana and dragged her over to the agua pingpong. We each sat down on opposite sides of the mesa and listened as Nelson told us what to do. There was a metal tray full of agua with a pingpong ball set in the middle. We would have to blow it and when it touched the opposite side of the pan, that would be a goal. So Ana and I started blowing. I’m not going to say who won… but we both got covered with aqua!

Aqua ping-pong

I collected my tickets from Nelson and went to the next actividade. It was led by a counselor named Mariano. You would have dos beanbags, and you try to toss them into a hole. I got both of them in on the first toss, so I got more than one ticket. I said gracias and moved on to the next actividade.

This actividade was a little more challenging. It was lead by a hilarious counselor named Alejandro. You had to stand “arriba” (up) on a chair with a glass jar on the ground below you. Alejandro handed me a wood clothes-pin and he told me to hold my “braso” (arm) straight out in front of me with the clothes-pin in my mano. Then I would have to drop it and try to get it in the glass jar. I dropped it and it hit the edge and bounced off. Alejandro gave me another one and told me to try “otra vas” (again). So I dropped another and it hit the edge and bounced off again. Arggh! I got another and dropped it. It went in! Even though I made it in, Alejandro still gave me another pin. It hit the edge again! Oh, my gosh! I got ANOTHER and it hit the edge also! Wow! Finally, Alejandro didn’t give me another. I hopped off the chair and got my tickets. That was a fun actividade!

The next station was bowling. Another counselor, Bruno, was crouched on the ground, picking up the bowling pins that had just been knocked over. I said hola and stood there waiting. He apologized and stood up. He asked if I knew what to do and I answered, “¡Si!” So I took the mini bowling ball and tossed it at the mini pins. I knocked down half. Bruno passed it back to me and I tossed it at the remaining pins, hitting them all. I didn’t think I did a very bien job, but Bruno acted like that was the best he had ever seen. I smiled, taking my tickets. On to the next actividade!

The next thing was face-painting. I skipped it and moved on. Face paint makes me itchy.

The next thing was lead by another one of my favorite counselors, Emilia. You had to take a pole with a long string and a clothes-pin tied to the end. You would try to aim the pole and then swing it to try to get the pole through a hole in a door-like thing. I did it and got it in on the first try. I was really cranking that night! When my pole was in the hole, Emilia crouched down behind the wall and told me to hold the pole still. I waited and then she told me to lift my pole out. I tugged on it and when I pulled it out, there was a drawing of a pez (fish) on a piece of papel and tres tickets clipped in the clothes-pin. Nice! Solo un poco mas actividades!

The next one was musical chairs. I told Yamile, the counselor running that station, that I would be right back and that I was going to find a few “persones” for musical chairs. I came back with Ellie, Grace, and our friend Rosa. Then a counselor named Ale said she wanted to join us, so we put an extra chair next to the others. Since there were cinco persones, there were solo quatro chairs. Yamile asked if we were ready, and then we began. Yamile turned on the musica and we started circling around the chairs. Suddenly, the musica shut off and Ellie, Rosa, Grace, and I plopped down as quick as we could. Poor Ale was left without a chair. She smiled, congratulated us in Espanol, and went to help out with other actividades. Yamile pulled a chair out of the “circulo” and flipped on the musica. We continued. The musica shut off suddenly again, and I sat down at the chair under my butt. Whew! I got a chair! But Grace didn’t. She got un ticket and went to another actividade. The musica turned on again and we walked around the dos chairs that were left. My heart was starting to beat pretty fast, now that it was only me, Ellie, and Rosa. We kept walking until the musica shut off abruptly. I sat down without a mili-second passing. Oh, my gosh! I got a chair, without even someone else trying to sit on the edge! Ellie was sitting on Rosa’s lap, laughing. She got handed un ticket and she smiled at me for still being in. What a bien sport! We pulled out another chair so there was only uno left. Oh, no. The pressure was on. Rosa and I looked at each other with rojo faces with both determination and fright in our ojos. Before I knew it, the musica was playing and it was time to win! We circled the chairs and listened with all our might for the music stopping. Suddenly, everything seemed to get louder except the musica. I guess that’s what happens when you’re about to find out who wins. Immediately, the musica stopped and– I got the chair! Yes! I won! I got tres tickets and Rosa got uno. I told her she did a bien job and she smiled. That actividade was fun!

There was uno actividade left– Ring Toss. It was lead by Ana, a cool counselor. I already knew what to do, so I began. I tossed– and made it! I tossed again– and made it again! I tossed AGAIN– and made it! I tossed again and clipped the edge. I tossed again and clipped the edge again. I tossed uno mas tiempo and I made it on! Whoa! I got tres tickets and thanked Ana. That must have been lucky because I’m usually not that bien!

A great aqua ping-pong match-up

I still felt like doing actividades after I finished them all, so went and did all the ones with short lines again. Man, that carnivale was so fun! I wished it lasted all noche (night)!

When all the actividades closed, I went over to the mesa where you get to buy things for your tickets! I pulled my tickets out of my pocket and counted. 29! I don’t think anyone got that many! I waited in line, excited. I was going to get to buy a lot! Finally, it was my turn in line. I looked at the things I could get and decided on a hairbrush and mirror set for fifteen tickets, dos pelo (hair) clips with fake, colored pelo attached for cinco tickets each, and a lip gloss for cinco tickets. Si, I knew that it was cinco tickets and I only had quatro left, but Ale, who was running the prize table, let me have it because I had been waiting in a line for an actividade and then it closed, right as it was my turn, so I would have at least uno mas ticket. I thanked Ale and headed off.

That was one of the best noches ever! I went off to the next thing– campfire and s’mores!

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El Carnival

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 16, 2011

We Went to a carnivaler last nint. LWe cote a ticket by plying a game. aand we trade theme in for a toe. We could get in thing. I got 20 somthing it was reel fun! I wonder if my female had fun? We got shae a baloun, go boling, and get your fase patent and lots of other stuff! My favret thing was Fishing! There is a stick and you tie a sting to it and you troe it over fack wader and emele gives you a ticet. Emelea is a consler.

This is a different fish game with Paola, not the fish game with Emilia.

[Editor’s translation:]
We went to a carnival last night. We got tickets by playing [different] games, and we traded them in for a toy. We could get anything. I got 20 something [tickets]. It was real fun! I wonder if my family had fun? We got to shave a balloon, go bowling, and get your face painted and lots of other stuff! My favorite thing was fishing! There is a stick and you tie a string to it and you throw it over fake water and Emilia gives you a ticket. Emilia is a counselor.

With our friend Rosa at the Carnival

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The Banquet

Posted by Stella on Friday Sep 16, 2011

September 2nd, right before the carnival, we went to our cabins to get dressed up for the banquet. I couldn’t find anything to wear because when we were packing for Spanish camp, I didn’t know that we would be having a fancy dinner. I searched my whole clothes bag for something fancy, but I didn’t know why because I knew what I packed and I didn’t have anything fancy. I knew I had to try, though, so I decided on a short-sleeved, green, blue, purple, and white paint splattered, thin shirt and skinny jeans. I pulled on some socks and slipped my blue, high-topped converse and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and my teeth and headed out the door, on my way to the dining hall. I got there just in time. The counselors were standing at the front of the room, getting ready to serve the food. Since this was a fancy meal, the counselors would not be doing a play every meal like they always do. For this meal, there would be no fun. Only fancy.

I actually was pretty excited about the banquet before I got there, but when I realized there would be no play to show what we’d be eating, no mysteriously running around to announce the winners for the people who speak the most Spanish. We couldn’t even eat with a counselor! And since there weren’t separate tables with eight seats each, we couldn’t choose who we sat by, and there was only one table, one really long table that made a U around the room. So I could only sit with a person on either side of me, and a person in front of me. Only three people. Well, at least that I could see.

So as you can see, this banquet did not please me very much. But I dealt with it the whole time and when it was done, I rushed out the doors to play Four-Square, calling the Queen spot. Bella, Rosa, Greta, Ellie, Ana, Peri, Grace, and Christian rushed after me to the Four-Square square already set up. We played until the carnival– here was the fun!

We were given a spanish immersion certificate at the banquet

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Watching Movies In Spanish

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

On Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night at Spanish camp, we watched different movies in Spanish.

On Tuesday night, we watched the first half of Hotel For Dogs. It was really weird to hear the characters talking in Spanish… I totally wasn’t used to hearing that. But eventually I got used to it and started just reading the English subtitles and tuning out the Spanish talking. I was so into it that I was really disappointed when they turned off the first half of the movie! On Wednesday night we watched the rest of Hotel For Dogs, and then on Thursday we watched the first half of Shark Tales. By the third night of movies, I was really used to the Spanish talking. I hardly noticed it at all! On Friday night we were going to watch the rest of Shark Tales, but there was a REALLY FUN UN-NAMED EVENT instead. (Read the following posts for more!) 🙂

I’m glad we watched a couple movies in Spanish. Now I’m much more used to hearing and comprehending stuff in different languages!

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Dancing With Vero And Evelyn

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

On Thursday at El Lago Del Bosque, Stella and I ate dinner and then decided to dance.

We went to find some counselors so they could put some music on for us, and we found our teachers, Vero y Evelyn. Evelyn is Stella’s teacher, and Vero is mine. They put in the CD that we use for El Clase De Bailar, and they led us in the first dance, the song Waka Waka by Shakira. I love that song, and I love the dance, too. Then we danced to a lot of other songs that we learned in dance class, and they taught us lots of new songs. They’re really good dancers. It was really fun to dance to the Spanish music; I’ve discovered that I really like it.

We danced for a long time until we were all exhausted and about ready to fall asleep right there. Then we turned off the music and went to watch Shark Tales in Spanish. It was a super fun night!!! 😀

Ellie, Ana, and Rosa leading the dance

Dancing with Vero and Evelyn

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Playing Four-Square With Friends

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Sep 14, 2011

After meals at camp, we usually have a break, where we can do whatever we want. Play, dance; anything. So on the second day, Bella, Emelia, my sisters, and I decided to play four-square.

We drew the giant square with sidewalk chalk, and then wrote KING QUEEN KNIGHT and TRASH in the four sections. Then we played. And played and played and played. After EVERY single meal, my sisters and friends and I would run outside to play four-square, and sometimes we even got the counselors to play with us. On Friday, Nelson played with us for a REALLY long time, and he was really good at it too!!! He was almost always King, and when one of us became King he got us out as fast as lightning. It was still extremely fun, though.

Four square on the plaza

It was sad when we had to leave camp; that meant no more four-square! But it was great to be there and have so much fun with everyone.

¡Hasta la vista! 😉

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