
Posted by Stella on Friday Sep 16, 2011 Under Travels

September 2nd, after the carnilval, we went down to the fire for singing. There was a surprise waiting at the fire. When we got down to the fire, there were already a lot of people there. We started our usual singing and the counselors announced the surprise. S’mores! They got out the marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Then they said that the grownups should roast the marshmallows and make them for the kids so I sat down and waited while they prepared our s’mores. When they were done, our parents handed them off to us. Yum! Those were good s’mores! When we finished, I went up to the cafeteria room to get some water, and right after that, I went to bed.

One Response to “S’mores!”

  1. brynn Says:

    i L-O-V-E love s,mores!!!!!!!

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