The Banquet

Posted by Stella on Friday Sep 16, 2011 Under Travels

September 2nd, right before the carnival, we went to our cabins to get dressed up for the banquet. I couldn’t find anything to wear because when we were packing for Spanish camp, I didn’t know that we would be having a fancy dinner. I searched my whole clothes bag for something fancy, but I didn’t know why because I knew what I packed and I didn’t have anything fancy. I knew I had to try, though, so I decided on a short-sleeved, green, blue, purple, and white paint splattered, thin shirt and skinny jeans. I pulled on some socks and slipped my blue, high-topped converse and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and my teeth and headed out the door, on my way to the dining hall. I got there just in time. The counselors were standing at the front of the room, getting ready to serve the food. Since this was a fancy meal, the counselors would not be doing a play every meal like they always do. For this meal, there would be no fun. Only fancy.

I actually was pretty excited about the banquet before I got there, but when I realized there would be no play to show what we’d be eating, no mysteriously running around to announce the winners for the people who speak the most Spanish. We couldn’t even eat with a counselor! And since there weren’t separate tables with eight seats each, we couldn’t choose who we sat by, and there was only one table, one really long table that made a U around the room. So I could only sit with a person on either side of me, and a person in front of me. Only three people. Well, at least that I could see.

So as you can see, this banquet did not please me very much. But I dealt with it the whole time and when it was done, I rushed out the doors to play Four-Square, calling the Queen spot. Bella, Rosa, Greta, Ellie, Ana, Peri, Grace, and Christian rushed after me to the Four-Square square already set up. We played until the carnival– here was the fun!

We were given a spanish immersion certificate at the banquet

One Response to “The Banquet”

  1. brynn Says:

    that dosnt sound as boring as………….(drum roll)………….SCHOOL!!!

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