Moose Sighting at Dinner

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 30, 2011

One June 25 we were driving on our way to Dawson City. While driving, Mommy, Ana, Stella and I we were also making our dinner of hot ham and cheese sandwiches. Then out of the corner of our eyes we saw something in the water. What was that? My it was a big moose! Daddy backed up and tried to go back. Then we all hopped out and grabbed the binoculars. We all tried to be the one to find it, but it was gone. We gave up and Daddy told us to try to be quiet the next time we saw an animal.

No moose photo, but these are some beautiful fireweed flowers along the Klondike Highway

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The Cutest Baby Bears in the World

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday Jun 28, 2011

June 22. Before entering the Yukon we were driving doing our normal thing when daddy said STOP! What, we all asked. Theres a mommy bear with her two cubs. When we got a look at them we all did not say any thing exsep there so cute. We watched the mom because we could not see the cubs. They were behind the tree. We sat there looking waiting for the babies to come out. They came out and then we behind the tree again. This was the best thing. We saw one cub climb up the tree. Then the other one climbed up the tree to. When it came down it sort of fell. It hit it’s behind. Then they both at the same time climbed up the tree. We watched in amazement and looked at them for along time. Then our parents said time to go. We were so sad to leave the cubs and their mom. Mommy said she was dreaming to see babies bears and how cool they were.

Here are the black bear cubs following their mom

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Red Goat Lodge

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Jun 26, 2011

On June 21 we arived at a campground in Iskut, British Columbia. When we got there we saw a dog named Bob. We threw sticks and he went and got them. After playing with Bob, me and Ana went to build a tepee. We built it out of sticks and we made fake dinner.

Here is the Tepee that Me and Ana built

Soon after that we went to go find Bob. He had a friend with him. We played with both of them. They fought for a stick. When we did not give them the stick they would growl. After that Mommy called us in for dinner. Bob followed us and waited at the door. Daddy said he was a good dog because he did not try to come in like most dogs do. Me and Ana asked if we could sleep together and Mommy said yes. After dinner Mommy read Travels with Charley. I like the book so far. Then we went to bed.

Bob the dog, keeping watch.

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The Cutest Fawns in the World

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 23, 2011

On June 20, after leaving the campground we drove to Smithers. We drove along a forest. We were looking out for critters. I was not, I was busy playing with my toy horses. We drove for about a hour looking for our campground. Then Daddy said, “deer.” We all looked and saw a deer. Then somebody said, there’s twin fawns. When we saw the fawns we all thought they were the cutest things in the world. They looked so fuzzy that I wanted to hop out and go pet them. They had so many spots. They looked like they were just born because they were so small. Their mom licked them. I loved when they jumped. They were so cute. We got like a hundred pictures of them. After that we said goodbye to the cutest fawns in the world. Daddy said we should watch the movie Bambi. Mommy said we should not watch it because it was sad. After that we hit the road again.

Here are the cutest fawns in the world!

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Ending the Best Story Ever

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 23, 2011

Every night Daddy reads To Kill a Mocking Bird. Every night when we got closer to the end we all begged him to read more, even Mommy did. When he finished we all felt really sad. My favorite character was Atticus. Why because he was real nice and he stood up for a black man and he also thought that every one was equal. I think so too.

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Athabasca Falls

Posted by Ellie on Tuesday Jun 21, 2011

After the cool grizzly bear we continued up the Icefields Parkway. We drove along the Sunwapta River and then the Athabasca River. We went to Athabasca Falls. When we got there we put on our tennis shoes and groaned. We walked though a small forest until we came to the Athabasca River.

Athabasca River, on its way to the Arctic Ocean

We walked along the river to a bridge and we looked at the waterfall. It was roaring down. We also saw a rainbow. We could feel the mist. After that we went across another bridge. Mommy said she was going to go start dinner. After that we walked though a forest and came to another lookout. We listened to the waterfall for a few minutes and then we went down in this small canyon. We were surrounded by rock walls. We went to this pit place. Dad says it was called a pothole. It was like a small swamp with dirty water. After that we went to another lookout over the waterfall. It was roaring and then it became a calm river again. We looked at the color of it and then headed back. It was frosty blue, like Bow Lake.

Athabasca Falls

We passed the roaring waterfall on the way back up. When we got back to the RV we had pasta, the kind that Lori made. It was really good.

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Going to Lake Louise

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011

On June 16 we went Lake Louise. When we got out of the RV it was raining. What a good time to go on a hike. It was cold, miserable, and annoying.

We walked and saw orange fish in the water. We saw one at first. We had to cross a bridge to get across. We walked along side the steam for a couple of minutes and then we reached Lake Louise.

Lake Louise was green and blue together and it made the brightest color you could imagine. We looked for fish in the lake but we had no luck. After that we took turns taking pictures of the parents.

At Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada

There were steps so you could go and touch the water. It was not as cold as I thought it would be. We saw some ice on the lake. It was surrounded by mountains. We saw a glacier at the other end of the lake. We also saw a lodge. I wanted to go and get warm. We looked at the lake one more time and headed back.

We saw a ton of fish in the creek. One looked dead. We tried to get our pictures but it looked like just the stream. After that we went back and got in the warm RV.

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What is that?

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011

On June 15 we drove though Kootenay Canadian National Park. We drove along the forest and saw countless deer. Their fur was sort of stripey and looked like it was rubbed the wrong way. We thought that a plastic bag was some kind of critter.

We were driving and then Mommy said, look there’s a bear! We all turned our heads to see the bear. It was pitch black. You could see the light on it’s fur. After that we saw more and more deer. Everyone was so busy looking for critters.

I looked up and saw something up ahead in the middle of the road. Was it a dog or a horse, or a deer? Then I said, what is that up ahead? When Daddy looked up he said that it was a moose. When we got closer we saw that is was tall dark brown and had long fragile looking legs. Up ahead we saw a car. Did it see the moose? It was coming fast. Then it came to a halt. Good. The moose looked like it was licking the road. Then it looked up and trotted into the forest.

We kept on driving and me and Stella said at the same time, MOOSE! We watched the moose look at us and then trot away. We saw more and more deer. Then daddy said pretty loudly, MOOSE! We watched as the moose ran gracefully into the woods. We think it was a male moose but we didn’t know.

After that we left Kootenay Park. I hope I will see more moose.

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A Fun Pool

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011

On June 12 we stayed at a campground in Hungry Horse Montana. We stayed there for two days.

The campground also had a great little playground

Me Stella and Ana got ready after dinner to go to the pool. When we got there we went to the stairs to get in. Stella was the first one to get in the pool, and then Me and Ana came in together. We played tag and we did handstands. We also saw a hair tie at the bottom of the pool and i swam down and got it. We took turns letting the hair tie sink and then going and getting it. The water was cold at first but when you got used to it it is warm. We played for along time until daddy said five more minutes girls. We swam and swam until it was time to go. I shared my towel with Ana because she forgot to bring hers. We walked back wishing we could go back the next day.

And we did go back the next day. We swam, swam, swam the next day. After that we took a shower.

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Alberta Visitor Center

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011

On June 12, after leaving Glacier National Park we went to the Alberta Visitor Center, just outside of the park. Ana was cleaning her room and Greta was doing math. Me and Stella went with the parents.

When we got inside there was this huge skeleton of a T-rex. We went to fill up Daddy’s waterbottles for him. After that we went and looked around. We were brushing off dinosaur bones and then we went to go and look at some other stuff. We came to this room with a saddle that you could get on. We both took turns on the saddle. There was a wagon that you could sit on. Stella told me to come and sit with her. When I got up I told her that I wanted to go back in the wagon. I tried to but I did not realize that it was just wood so I ran right into it. Me and Stella had a good laugh about it. We played in there for a little while.

When we went out Mommy told us there was lot of horseback riding in Canada. Then Mommy told us it was time to leave. We went and looked at a few other things and then we left.

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