Ending the Best Story Ever

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Jun 23, 2011 Under Family

Every night Daddy reads To Kill a Mocking Bird. Every night when we got closer to the end we all begged him to read more, even Mommy did. When he finished we all felt really sad. My favorite character was Atticus. Why because he was real nice and he stood up for a black man and he also thought that every one was equal. I think so too.

2 Responses to “Ending the Best Story Ever”

  1. brynn Says:

    me too. i have to read some books for school, and one of them is When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead. i think you guys might like it.

  2. Beth Hall Says:

    I love, love, love “To Kill a Mickingbird” too…such a powerful book.
    It looks like all of you are having a great time. I just spent an hour looking at all of your posts and pictures. I love how you have been experiencing such vast changes in landscape. I sure hope Stella, and the rest of you are capturing it on paper….the canyon photos are amazing.

    I have to wonder what you fav place has been so far and why….

    We sure would love to spend some extended time with you sometime in the future.

    Love to you all!
    Beth and the rest of Team Hall

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