Going to Lake Louise

Posted by Ellie on Monday Jun 20, 2011 Under Travels

On June 16 we went Lake Louise. When we got out of the RV it was raining. What a good time to go on a hike. It was cold, miserable, and annoying.

We walked and saw orange fish in the water. We saw one at first. We had to cross a bridge to get across. We walked along side the steam for a couple of minutes and then we reached Lake Louise.

Lake Louise was green and blue together and it made the brightest color you could imagine. We looked for fish in the lake but we had no luck. After that we took turns taking pictures of the parents.

At Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada

There were steps so you could go and touch the water. It was not as cold as I thought it would be. We saw some ice on the lake. It was surrounded by mountains. We saw a glacier at the other end of the lake. We also saw a lodge. I wanted to go and get warm. We looked at the lake one more time and headed back.

We saw a ton of fish in the creek. One looked dead. We tried to get our pictures but it looked like just the stream. After that we went back and got in the warm RV.

2 Responses to “Going to Lake Louise”

  1. Bav Says:

    Lake Louise is one of the prettiest places I have seen on this earth, other than my daughter’s happy faces. I was lucky to see it on a sunny day. You have been lucky to see many pretty places already.
    I like how you took pictures of “the parent.” Not “our parents” or “the drivers,” but some manifest, objectified, entities. I hope you love them as much or more than they love you.

  2. Rita & Kathy Hafkemeyer /Ober Says:

    Van, Jean, Greta, Stella, Ellie & Ana, Greetings from very hot & very steamy Iowa…90degrees with drippy hunidity today, Sunday, July 10th. I “sweat it out” in the garden early & notlong. Great fireworks at Balltown last night. Dubuque put on a spectacular show on July 3rd…Sue Hafkemeyer’s sister & family were here from Dallas & were amazed! We(a big crowd) gathered at Tammy’s party. Her apt is near the lock & dam/flood wall where the fire works are set off to great patriotic music…perfect evening/fun…no fish flies! Your journey continues to amaze us…thank you all so much for journaling! I went to Scenic View campgrounds at Waterville with Hedleys the weekend before the 4th…Beautiful with great weather. Essie picked me up on Fri PM…shopped Lansing (didn’t get to Horsfalls, checked out Red Geranium & new Tea house/antique store…those folks did a whole lot of work! Dinner w/Mary Kay at the Red Barn & “500” at Essies…fun! Don’t think I won. Jean, I have the classiest waste basket in Sherrill…in the whole area…thank you SO much! Much love to you allllll/Rita

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