Going to Chrissie’s Cabin

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Sep 7, 2011

We got an invitation to go to the cabin belonging to the sister of my mom’s friend Amy. We went on August 27th. When we got there Amy ‘s daughter, Emily, came and told us to come inside and say hello. When we got inside we were having hamburgers. They were so good. After a while me Ana and Emily all played horses. We were going to have s’mores but then it started pouring rain so we made mikeorwave s’mores. We played monopoly. We had a fun time at the cabin and thanks Chrissie!!!!!!:)

Hanging out on a nice day at Chrissie's cabin

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Going To The Farm

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Sep 4, 2011

On August 26, me Nell Ana Stella and our other friend Jena went to Gary’s ( my uncle) farm. We all got the RV and when we started moving we all told funny stories. All of a sudden Ana yelled WE’RE HERE!!!!!!! Yay!! We all said! We hopped out and tried to find Gary, be was not there so we went and saw Clayton our cousin. He told us that Gary went to go buy some cattle and that he was on his way back. We went and saw the pigs. They were so scared of us because whenever we walked by they would run away. They stunk.

With our friends, Nell and Jena, on the farm

After that we asked Clayton to show us the chicks. There were so many of them and they had some red on them. Clayton caught one and let us hold one. When it was my turn it was so soft and then all of a sudden it started to get away so I let Stella hold it. After that we went back to the farm house and Clayton gave us each a popsicle.

Ana has a new chick

After that we started driving home when all of a sudden Gary came from the other way so we had back up. We said hello and then we left. I had a great time at the farm.

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The Wild West Parade

Posted by Ellie on Thursday Sep 1, 2011

August 20. After driving for a hour and a half we came to Barbs house my aunt. We were going to go see horses. I was so hungry but we went straight to the parade. We meet Rose ( my aunt ) and Janice ( my aunt) and we were also with Amy and her daughter Emily and Jahmuna our cousin.

Ready for the parade with our good friend, Emily

It [the parade] started way after it was supposed to. So we waited and we waited until we saw a flag coming up the hill carried on a horse. Soon the parade started moving. We saw black ones and white and paint ones and draft ones and clydesdales and a lot of other horses. We saw a horse jump up and that was cool. They threw out candy and we only got one piece in all and I think mommy ate it. So after that we saw a carriage with Vikings in it. That was cool. The parade was really short. After that we went to go and eat at Barbs house.

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Bungy Jumping at Fish Days

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Aug 28, 2011

August 14th, at Lansing Fish Days, Me Stella and Ana got in the line for bungee jumping and waited in the burning hot sun for at least a hour. It seemed like 100 years until there were 4 people left and then they went and so we were AFTER THEM!!! They got lifted up and started doing flips. Cool. Then their turn was over yay.

Ana is doing a flip

They told me to go over to the one I wanted. I waited and then they got me in the harness and I was ready to go. I got lifted up and it felt awesome. Then I started jumping and it felt like my brain would fly out of the top of my head. I did a back flip and it was so so so cool. I tried and I tried but then finally did a front flip. It was way harder than the back flip. I had a great time and never wanted it to end but sadly it did end.

Working on my flip

Stella and me up in the air

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A Sleepover With A Best Friend

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Aug 27, 2011

August 8. After dropping off Aloe, me and Nell went over to ask her mom if we could have a sleepover. When we got there she was not there. We went back and called her and she said sure. YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Me mom and Nell went to go get her things. When we got back we were ready. OUR parents said bedtime girls! UUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!! We went and got ready for bed and then jumped into our beds. Me and Nell shared a bed. Greta and Ana shared one and Stella slept in a different room. Nell took all the covers once and I stole them back. She would pinch me and I would do it back and so on. After a while Mommy came downstairs and read so we were very quiet. After that I fell asleep and wanted to do this again sometime with Nell.

Hanging out with Nell and Aloe

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Going Horseback Riding in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Posted by Ellie on Sunday Aug 21, 2011

On August 2 when I woke up I new that today was going to be great! Then I remembered that we were going horseback riding!! Mommy said that we would go horseback riding [in Yellowstone] but we didn’t so we went here in Theridoor Roseivelt park. Daddy came and woke up Stella because I was already awake. We got dressed and ate breakfast. We drove to the Peaceful Valley Ranch.

When we got there we went to go get in a line so they could pick our horses for us. I wanted a paint horse which is a spotted horse. Stella got her horse first out of me, Daddy, and Mommy. I bet you’re wondering where Ana And Greta were? Well Ana was too small and Greta is allergic to horses and to all animals that have fur.

Stella and her horse, JB

Stella’s first horse was named Poco but then they let someone else have him so she got a new horse named JB which stands for Jaw Breaker. I won’t tell you the story [of his name] because it would be too long!!! Then Mommy’s horse came and his name was Bridger. Then mine finally came!!!!!!! He was so so so so pretty. He was the color kinda like yellow but a different shade. His name was Jake-o. Then daddy’s horse came and her name was Mesa.

Ready to ride out into the badlands!

We waited and then were led into the corral. We had to walk around and not go outside the guide-poles. I loved turning. We did that for a few minutes and then we started our trail ride. It was so so hot and I felt like a melting popsicle. It started to get cooler and it felt so good. We rode and then I heard Daddy talking to Mesa. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mesa eating grass and she was not allowed to eat for some reason. Me and Stella laughed and so did our parents.

We walked though a prairie dog town. We heard them barking really loudly. It was fun to see them run across the fields. They were kinda fat but they were still cute.

When we went down hills we leaned back and when we went up we leaned forward. We crossed a creek. I loved that that splashed in the water and how we got wet. We rode though the grass and I could of fallen asleep. It was so quiet and was so fun. We started climbing up hills more often. When we got to the top of the hill Daddy was still having problems with Mesa. It was so funny to watch. We were all looking for wild horses. We saw none.

After that we started our way back, we walked though the cool forests and that felt so good. We saw the ranch and were sad. We were almost there when Katelen said THERE’S A FAWN!!!!! I saw a quick look at it and then it was gone. When we got there Ana and Greta ran up and said hello. We dismounted and we talked about how much fun we had and by the way THANKS FOR TAKING US HORSEBACK RIDING!!!!!!!

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The Terraces

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Aug 17, 2011

July 31. After driving for a long time we came to a stop. It was so hot. Daddy said we were going on a hike!!!!!! POOH!!!! When we got out my ankle hurt and we had to walk up hundreds of stories!!! We saw the terist [terraces] and they looked like waterfalls. I could not tell the difference. We left Greta and Stella and me and the rest of the family went to the top. When we got to the top it was so pretty. I saw elk and the hills and just everything. We would have to take breaks because my ankle still hurt. Now it was even hotter. We also saw I forgot to say this we saw animal scat and tracks. We went down and got Greta and Stella and went back. I was so grumpy because it was so hot. When we reached the RV I drank almost a whole bottle of water.

On top of the terraces at Yellowstone

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The Cutest Baby Wolf In The World

Posted by Ellie on Monday Aug 15, 2011

After driving for what seemed like forever we saw a ton I mean a ton. There were like 50 people or more. Mommy told us to go and see what was going on. When we got out I heard a girl say there’s wolf’s with there baby’s. I ran and told Stella and Greta, Ana, and Daddy. Where they all asked?!? I don’t know! We all went trying to see them when he let us look though his telescope. Then I saw the baby. It was so so so cute. It was black and was lying in the grass. Ana keep saying hurry up Ellie!! After a few minutes I let her see in. Then Daddy let me see though binoculars. I kept trying to see them when they rested on a herd of bison. I told Daddy about it and then left to go see what the other people were looking at. A grizzly bear!!! When we got there it was gone so we went and started looking for kooky. We meet her and went to go start dinner. We were having Indian food!! Yummy!!!

We couldn't get a picture so I drew the wolves

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Old Faithful!

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Aug 13, 2011

After having a quick lunch we went to go and see Old Faithful erupt. When we got there there were a ton of people. Old Faithful just started as we came. First not that much water came and the all of a sudden it blasted up so high that it looked like it went up to the clouds!!

Old Faithful

Mommy asked us if we saw Daddy and we didn’t. We looked everywhere. When Old Faithful stopped Daddy walked up. Where were you we all asked??? He said that he went the wrong way so he missed it so we told him about how cool it was.

After that Mommy, Daddy, and Ana went to go on a walk while me and Stella and Greta went to go find some answers to our junior ranger packets . We did not find any answers and went outside and ran into Daddy. We helped him fill up the water bottles and waited for Mommy and Ana to come. Daddy got a text from Mommy that said they were at the RV. I had a really fun time watching Old Faithful! It was so so fun!!!

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The Virgiyon Lodge

Posted by Ellie on Friday Aug 12, 2011

After helping daddy with the RV we went to go find the pool. We walked all over and did not find it. At last there it was. It was so so so so HOT!!!!! We me Stella and Ana all took forever to get in. Finily I went under then Stella I think and then Ana. It was cold and then warmed up and we got used to it. We played follow the leader and swam around. After follow the leader we played dolphin and Stella would touch the letters I would tell her to say. It felt good and I thought of swim team in Iowa and how we missed it. After a while we got out because it got so cold. By the way it was July 29 and we were in Jackson Hole!!!!

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