Old Faithful!

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Aug 13, 2011 Under Travels

After having a quick lunch we went to go and see Old Faithful erupt. When we got there there were a ton of people. Old Faithful just started as we came. First not that much water came and the all of a sudden it blasted up so high that it looked like it went up to the clouds!!

Old Faithful

Mommy asked us if we saw Daddy and we didn’t. We looked everywhere. When Old Faithful stopped Daddy walked up. Where were you we all asked??? He said that he went the wrong way so he missed it so we told him about how cool it was.

After that Mommy, Daddy, and Ana went to go on a walk while me and Stella and Greta went to go find some answers to our junior ranger packets . We did not find any answers and went outside and ran into Daddy. We helped him fill up the water bottles and waited for Mommy and Ana to come. Daddy got a text from Mommy that said they were at the RV. I had a really fun time watching Old Faithful! It was so so fun!!!

2 Responses to “Old Faithful!”

  1. brynn Says:

    that looks amazing!!!

  2. maia schne Says:

    Who’s arm is that? If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say Greta’s, judging by the spectacular amount of freckles. Whosever it is, that looks amazing! Poor Van walked up at just the wrong second! T-T

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