The Terraces

Posted by Ellie on Wednesday Aug 17, 2011 Under Travels

July 31. After driving for a long time we came to a stop. It was so hot. Daddy said we were going on a hike!!!!!! POOH!!!! When we got out my ankle hurt and we had to walk up hundreds of stories!!! We saw the terist [terraces] and they looked like waterfalls. I could not tell the difference. We left Greta and Stella and me and the rest of the family went to the top. When we got to the top it was so pretty. I saw elk and the hills and just everything. We would have to take breaks because my ankle still hurt. Now it was even hotter. We also saw I forgot to say this we saw animal scat and tracks. We went down and got Greta and Stella and went back. I was so grumpy because it was so hot. When we reached the RV I drank almost a whole bottle of water.

On top of the terraces at Yellowstone

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