A Sleepover With A Best Friend

Posted by Ellie on Saturday Aug 27, 2011 Under Travels

August 8. After dropping off Aloe, me and Nell went over to ask her mom if we could have a sleepover. When we got there she was not there. We went back and called her and she said sure. YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Me mom and Nell went to go get her things. When we got back we were ready. OUR parents said bedtime girls! UUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!! We went and got ready for bed and then jumped into our beds. Me and Nell shared a bed. Greta and Ana shared one and Stella slept in a different room. Nell took all the covers once and I stole them back. She would pinch me and I would do it back and so on. After a while Mommy came downstairs and read so we were very quiet. After that I fell asleep and wanted to do this again sometime with Nell.

Hanging out with Nell and Aloe

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