The Beach at Oceanside RV Park

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Jul 20, 2011

July 12th, we arrived at the campground before I knew it. Ellie looked out the window and spotted a beach– just what we’d been looking for for the whole trip! So Ellie and I asked Jean if we could go check it out while Dad and Ana went to check in to the Oceanside RV Park. We asked Greta if she wanted to come and she answered, “Sure.”

Here we are, down on the shore in Haines, Alaska

We hopped out and stepped up to the edge of the 15-to-20-feet-high cliff. I searched for a path down, but couldn’t find one so I just decided I’d follow Ellie, who was leading. But then I spotted a place where the rocks had been pushed aside and there was a little path. And that lead to our adventure.

We explored everything, first the bog. There wasn’t actually a bog, we just called it that. There was tons, and I mean TONS, of kelp, seaweed, and other slimy ocean plants. We were really grossed out at first, but got over it as we realized that it was just like walking on wet grass, only it was a little slimier.

We met some little girls named Ava and Brooke. Ana finally joined us and we all played with our new friends. We played with kelp that was shaped like an onion-sized bulb with a really long tail, and more kelp that was like a sheet of gooey paper. We used the bulby kelp with the tail to surround a dead fish that we found and named Jake. We had a fake funeral service and we held hands around Pilot Jake’s “grave” and said things like, “We’ll miss you, Jakie!” and, “We love you!” ,and cracked up afterwards.

We had a great time. Today I’m going to collect my sisters, Ava, and Brooke, and go out and do the same!


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Driving To Haines

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Jul 20, 2011

July 12th, we drove to Haines. During the drive, we spotted two trumpeter swans and what we thought were six signets (baby swans). But it turned out that the “signets” were actually baby wood ducks! They were ADORABLE! We didn’t get any pictures of them, but I took a picture of one of the swans.

We think this is the gander

We stopped in a pullover just outside of Haines. It was along a river where tons of salmon run, so that means lots of bears. We didn’t see any, but Dad got this picture of Ana.

Along a big river near Haines, Alaska

That was our last stop until Haines.

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The Gray Fox

Posted by Ana on Friday Jul 15, 2011

In the morning on july 12th we were seting in a polovere *(pullover) along the Haines Highway and I looked out the window and there was something like a dog. I asked my mom if it was a fox. She looked and said “yes”. Then daddy said it was a gray fox. We watched for a while and then he went down the road. Then we started driving to follow him but he went into the ditch but I spotted him again. This was my second gray fox on this trip. So far on this trip, I am the only one who has spotted a gray fox. Done.
(*editorial and typing assistance begins here)

A gray fox in the morning

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The Night of the Porcupine

Posted by Van on Friday Jul 15, 2011

Let July 11 forever be known as the Night of the Porcupine.

This whole trip I have wanted to catch sight of a porcupine. For weeks and weeks, I have gazed out the window of the camper, searching for one along the road. Looking for porcupine, I have spotted bear, moose, elk — all manner of critters — but not a porcupine. I have, perhaps, driven Jean and the girls a little crazy with it. One night, as we were watching three moose grazing in a lake, I joked, “You know, the one thing that would make this moment better? A porcupine.” They were less amused than I had hoped.

Anyway, July 11, we made our way back through Canada toward Haines, Alaska. Jean spotted something move off the road into the brush ahead. It was pretty far away yet, and she guessed it might be a small bear. As we neared the spot, I scanned between the bushes for a critter and, when I recognized what I was seeing, I excitedly exclaimed, “a porcupine!” All the girls came running up to the window as the porcupine scurried off into the woods. It was pretty good sized–much bigger than I expected–about the size of a small pig or a very large raccoon.

I was overjoyed to finally see a porcupine. I gave Jean a big kiss of gratitude and sat contentedly reliving the sighting in my mind as we cruised on down the road.

Then Jean spotted three more, one after the other, over the next twenty miles. I was beside myself.

And now, as Ana would say, my story is told.

This black bear is not one of the porcupines we saw that evening. It is a black bear which we spotted earlier that day.

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Trumpeter Swans

Posted by Greta on Friday Jul 15, 2011

As we were driving from the Sourdough Campground on July 11th, we saw some trumpeter swans! They were gorgeous and white as snow. The mom and the dad had four cygnets, or babies, with them, just like our family! We got out our binoculars and watched them for a long time. We also took lots of pictures.

A family of trumpeter swans on a lake in Alaska

The next day, we saw four more swans, just as pretty as the last ones. I had a perfect view of one from my window.

I’m so glad we got to see those beautiful birds. I hope we see more! 🙂

The view near Destruction Bay, Yukon

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Back To The Sourdough Campground

Posted by Greta on Friday Jul 15, 2011

On the night of July 9th, we stayed at the Sourdough Campground again, except for this time it wasn’t nearly as fun as last time. We missed karaoke, music, and the pancake toss, and we hardly got any time in the morning to hang out. It was a disappointment. I hope our next visit there will be better! 🙁

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Lots And Lots Of Yummy Lettuce!

Posted by Greta on Friday Jul 15, 2011

This is just a little thank-you to our friends in Fairbanks, Susan, Elsa, Eric, and Gretchen, for all the yummy lettuce, swiss chard, kale, and turnips that we’ve been eating from your gardens! They’ve been delicious in all the salads we’ve been eating and the dinners we’ve made, and they’re better than any greens I’ve ever had! Again, thank you so much! We’ve really been enjoying them! 🙂

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7 Moose In One Night!

Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 15, 2011

After coming from Wrangell-St. Elias we hit the road. We had dinner which I do not remember we went and got in bed. It was really bumpy and hot and just uhhh. I fell asleep in a dream when I realized we were stopped. I jumped up and went to see what was going on. Shhhhhhh!!!! Why there are 2 moose. Where I said. Daddy pointed in the water. Wow! One had it’s head in the water. It would look up and stare at us for a second. The it went back to do it’s thing. The other moose was in the grass. It was making it’s way closer to the water when Mommy said There’s another moose coming. And sure a nuff there was another moose. Wow three moose in one day. You mean 5 moose. WHAT!!! Why didn’t you tell us. They ran across the road so fast you would not be here in time. Oh well. Then Mommy said UP AHEAD TWO MOOSE!!!! We all looked up and then I realized theres a baby. Mommy drove up slowly and they were out of there. That’s why I can’t do a post about the 4th cutest baby moose in the world. It was gone so fast. After that we went and climbed into bed.

Can you see all three moose in this picture?

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Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 15, 2011

After driving for forever we came to a stop. We all jumped up and asked where are we. We’re at a National Park. We all groaned. Then Daddy said get ready and when you’re done getting ready you get a cookie. Yummy. We’re all eating our cookies when we remembered that we had to do a junior ranger packet. Uhhhhhhh!!! Daddy said if we finshed our packet before the visitor center closed we get a piece of salt water taffy. That was good because we most of the time finish before that.

Seeing Mt. Drum up ahead as we approach the national park

We were all ready when Daddy gave the packets to us. Me Greta and Stella all worked together. Ana had a different age group. I read the park newspaper but that was no help. Then me and Daddy started working together. We had to do a ton of things in different biuldings.

We learned that Wrangell-St. Elias is the biggest national park in the U.S. It is bigger than the country of Switzerland, and the mountains in it are taller. We learned there is one glacier in the park which is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

Me and Daddy finished first and then every one else did. We went and turned in our packets and left.

This fish wheel catches salmon as they swim up a river

We all got a piece of taffy and headed back to the RV. Mommy told us to stop because she saw a fishing wheel. It was really cool. The water would make the wheel spin and the fish would come into the baskets and then some one would come and take the fish out and put it with the other fish. After that we all ran to he RV. The park was pretty cool.

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The Cutest Baby Mountain Goat In The World

Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 15, 2011

After riding on the boat we came to a stop. Me Greta Stella and Daddy all looked to see what it was. There were a ton of puffins in the water. We also saw a bald eagle. I did not see it. I wish I did. After looking at the awesome puffins somebody said THERES A MOUNTAIN GOAT UP THERE ON THE RIDGE! When I looked there was also a baby. Then I said there’s a baby! We watched them jump over rocks. The baby was so cute. After that we headed on our way back. We saw spouts of whales on the way back. The water was calm. We saw a ton more puffins. Stella loves puffins. Then we heard a ranger say that they would swear you in witch means to get your junior ranger badge. Then we went to get sworn in. Mommy went down stairs to do something. When we got back to our table there was cake and jello. We ate it and went back up to the top deck. We heard someone say that we were back. I felt sad that we had to get off the boat but happy at the same time. When we got off the boat we said thank you and we left. We went and stopped inside a gift shop. Me and Stella each found a stuffed animal that we loved. Stella found a puffin of course and I found a Orca. Our parents let us get them. We thanked them over and over. Thank you Mommy and Daddy! After that we went to subway. Then we left.

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