The Beach at Oceanside RV Park

Posted by Stella on Wednesday Jul 20, 2011 Under Travels

July 12th, we arrived at the campground before I knew it. Ellie looked out the window and spotted a beach– just what we’d been looking for for the whole trip! So Ellie and I asked Jean if we could go check it out while Dad and Ana went to check in to the Oceanside RV Park. We asked Greta if she wanted to come and she answered, “Sure.”

Here we are, down on the shore in Haines, Alaska

We hopped out and stepped up to the edge of the 15-to-20-feet-high cliff. I searched for a path down, but couldn’t find one so I just decided I’d follow Ellie, who was leading. But then I spotted a place where the rocks had been pushed aside and there was a little path. And that lead to our adventure.

We explored everything, first the bog. There wasn’t actually a bog, we just called it that. There was tons, and I mean TONS, of kelp, seaweed, and other slimy ocean plants. We were really grossed out at first, but got over it as we realized that it was just like walking on wet grass, only it was a little slimier.

We met some little girls named Ava and Brooke. Ana finally joined us and we all played with our new friends. We played with kelp that was shaped like an onion-sized bulb with a really long tail, and more kelp that was like a sheet of gooey paper. We used the bulby kelp with the tail to surround a dead fish that we found and named Jake. We had a fake funeral service and we held hands around Pilot Jake’s “grave” and said things like, “We’ll miss you, Jakie!” and, “We love you!” ,and cracked up afterwards.

We had a great time. Today I’m going to collect my sisters, Ava, and Brooke, and go out and do the same!


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