The Cutest Baby Mountain Goat In The World

Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 15, 2011 Under Travels

After riding on the boat we came to a stop. Me Greta Stella and Daddy all looked to see what it was. There were a ton of puffins in the water. We also saw a bald eagle. I did not see it. I wish I did. After looking at the awesome puffins somebody said THERES A MOUNTAIN GOAT UP THERE ON THE RIDGE! When I looked there was also a baby. Then I said there’s a baby! We watched them jump over rocks. The baby was so cute. After that we headed on our way back. We saw spouts of whales on the way back. The water was calm. We saw a ton more puffins. Stella loves puffins. Then we heard a ranger say that they would swear you in witch means to get your junior ranger badge. Then we went to get sworn in. Mommy went down stairs to do something. When we got back to our table there was cake and jello. We ate it and went back up to the top deck. We heard someone say that we were back. I felt sad that we had to get off the boat but happy at the same time. When we got off the boat we said thank you and we left. We went and stopped inside a gift shop. Me and Stella each found a stuffed animal that we loved. Stella found a puffin of course and I found a Orca. Our parents let us get them. We thanked them over and over. Thank you Mommy and Daddy! After that we went to subway. Then we left.

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