
Posted by Ellie on Friday Jul 15, 2011 Under Travels

After driving for forever we came to a stop. We all jumped up and asked where are we. We’re at a National Park. We all groaned. Then Daddy said get ready and when you’re done getting ready you get a cookie. Yummy. We’re all eating our cookies when we remembered that we had to do a junior ranger packet. Uhhhhhhh!!! Daddy said if we finshed our packet before the visitor center closed we get a piece of salt water taffy. That was good because we most of the time finish before that.

Seeing Mt. Drum up ahead as we approach the national park

We were all ready when Daddy gave the packets to us. Me Greta and Stella all worked together. Ana had a different age group. I read the park newspaper but that was no help. Then me and Daddy started working together. We had to do a ton of things in different biuldings.

We learned that Wrangell-St. Elias is the biggest national park in the U.S. It is bigger than the country of Switzerland, and the mountains in it are taller. We learned there is one glacier in the park which is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

Me and Daddy finished first and then every one else did. We went and turned in our packets and left.

This fish wheel catches salmon as they swim up a river

We all got a piece of taffy and headed back to the RV. Mommy told us to stop because she saw a fishing wheel. It was really cool. The water would make the wheel spin and the fish would come into the baskets and then some one would come and take the fish out and put it with the other fish. After that we all ran to he RV. The park was pretty cool.

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