On the Farm

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Feb 15, 2011

On the Family Farm

Every summer we go visit Uncle Gary and Aunt Kim’s family farm. Last summer we went to help them in the garden. We helped dig up radishes. I like to help them; it makes me feel like a farmgirl.

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Sledding Over Winter Break

Posted by Greta on Monday Feb 14, 2011

We’ll probably be up in Lansing for a couple of weeks, so we will be posting some photos and other things from past vacations and adventures.

So, speaking of us being up in Iowa, we had lots of fun sledding this past winter, December 2010. This is a video of Ana sledding in her cute little blue sled.

We thought it was pretty dang funny when it happened.
There may be more sledding videos coming, so keep your eye out! šŸ™‚

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Good Bye Mississippi; Hello Iowa!

Posted by Greta on Monday Feb 14, 2011

On Saturday, we left Ocean Springs, MississippiĀ to go to Lansing, Iowa. We got a phone call fromĀ Jean’s parents saying that Grandpa (Jean’s dad) wasn’t doing very well, so we decided to come visit. On Saturday morning, we went to a place in Jackson, MS, where we could winterize our RV, (it’s too cold; our pipes would freeze up. Unfortunately, we had just de-winterized two days earlier) and then we continued our journey.

Entertaining ourselves along the drive

A monkey face

We drove all day Saturday and slept in Troy, Missouri, in another Walmart parking lot.

Sunset along the road in Arkansas

We stopped at two Subways to eat, then, around 2:00, we finally arrived.

Bluffs along the Mississippi River

Lots of family members are here, and it’s a really nice place to be. My sisters and I might start attending school here.

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A Change in Direction

Posted by Van on Monday Feb 14, 2011

On Friday we received news it was time to come home to Iowa to be with Jean’s dad, Bill. So Saturday morning we pointed the ship north and made a beeline up the Mississippi river.

A detour to Iowa

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Pig and Girl #1

Posted by Greta on Wednesday Dec 29, 2010

Me holding a pig on Uncle Gary's farm

Here I am holding a pig during our summer of 2010, and I am the first girl in our family to hold one. I hope my sisters will follow my lead. PIGS ROCK!!!

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