Good Bye Mississippi; Hello Iowa!

Posted by Greta on Monday Feb 14, 2011 Under Travels

On Saturday, we left Ocean Springs, Mississippi to go to Lansing, Iowa. We got a phone call from Jean’s parents saying that Grandpa (Jean’s dad) wasn’t doing very well, so we decided to come visit. On Saturday morning, we went to a place in Jackson, MS, where we could winterize our RV, (it’s too cold; our pipes would freeze up. Unfortunately, we had just de-winterized two days earlier) and then we continued our journey.

Entertaining ourselves along the drive

A monkey face

We drove all day Saturday and slept in Troy, Missouri, in another Walmart parking lot.

Sunset along the road in Arkansas

We stopped at two Subways to eat, then, around 2:00, we finally arrived.

Bluffs along the Mississippi River

Lots of family members are here, and it’s a really nice place to be. My sisters and I might start attending school here.

11 Responses to “Good Bye Mississippi; Hello Iowa!”

  1. Ali and Michael Says:

    Hi All, Just checking in from Ranchi, India and happy to hear you are with your family at this time and all the experiences along with way. Happy valentine’s day from Michael and I. Thinking of you all and look forward to biking with you at some point! Love, Ali and Michael

  2. maia schne Says:

    Hey g!! Sounds like y’all are having fun. Stella looks so funny!! And the sunset looks so beautiful. I hope you *are* having a good time not having to go to the orthodontist. *makes mad face* Well, I sure miss you. Happy Valentines day!!

  3. brynn Says:

    Hey you guys sound like your having fun. Im sorry about you dad Jean, but its going to be ok.
    How do you blow a bubble that big Stella. once in an magazine i saw that some one had blown 2 bubbles inside other bubble and they were looking for someone to blow 3 bubbles inside an other bubble!!!(4 total.)
    By the way I LOVE your monkey face!!!!!
    Well i hope your having a great time in Iowa. Hope your Valentines day was GREAT. (Sorry if i miss spelled a lot of things!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 )

  4. maia schne Says:

    Yeah brynn, I’d say you “miss spelled” a lot of things. That’s okay, though. We still love you.
    Girls: if you see your dad, I mean, well you know what I mean but tell him to call us, okay? We’ve been trying to get ahold of you guys for a while to no avail.
    Love you and miss u!! <3

  5. brynn Says:

    By the way: the sunset looks BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!~!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!~~~~~~BRYNN

  6. Ella DeMore Says:

    Nice face stella

  7. lindsay lizars Says:

    Stella I can’t believe u r going to school in Iowa. I miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Maya Rajan Says:

    Hello Stella!!! I can’t wait for you to come back!!!
    PS: I like your monkey face!!!

  9. Elena Chapman Says:

    Hi!!! I hope your doing well!!! I hope your having fun and I miss you!!!

  10. Nell Says:

    sssooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Rita & Kathy Hafkemeyer /Ober Says:

    4wheels4girls & you too, Jean & Van…Oh, what an emotional & hectic time for you all. A blessing in disguise for us to see and spend time with you. Gretta and Stella, Elise was so happy you could sleep over. So, please include Sherrill/Dubuque,Iowa the next time those 4 wheels come this way! We’ll do more fun times, Ellie & Ana. As we have snow, freezing rain, cold & fierce wind,the weather folks keep promoting a “warm” day on next Fri, March 18th. Hope they’re right! Love you all so much/Aunt-Great Aunt Rita

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