We saw a bunch of deer!

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Feb 8, 2011

My Drawing of the Deer Herd We Saw

We were driving from Atlanta to our first campsite, and we saw a herd of deer on the side of the road. There were at least ten all standing together.

It was late at night, so we couldn’t take a picture. So, I took a picture in my mind and drew it.

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Bon Voyage!

Posted by Van on Monday Feb 7, 2011

Finally! It took several full, full days to pack up the house and provision the ship, but we are ready to roll.


Loaded Up and Ready to Roll

It took three brains and way too long to figure out how to fit all six bikes on the back, but as of Saturday, February 5th, at 6:PM, we are ready for the open road.


The Open Road

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Jumping Off Rocks in South Dakota

Posted by Greta on Saturday Jan 1, 2011


Looks like Stella is having tons of fun!!!




Go Ellie!!!

We are jumping off a big rock into a freezing cold lake @ a buffalo sanctuary. (Even though it was mid-Summer 2010, it was FREEZING. Our lips were turning freakishly blue.) Stella, Ellie, and I were brave enough 2 jump off. SPLASSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stella Petting Chicken

Posted by Stella on Friday Dec 31, 2010

World's friendliest chicken

I got to pet a chicken on my uncle Greg’s farm today! He sat there and let me pet him! He was so friendly.
Above is a picture of him.

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