Playing Games on the First Day at Spanish Camp

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 9, 2011

The first day of Spanish camp we played 3 games. We played rob the cheese, hula-hoops, and races with a ball between our legs all in Spanish. At first I didn’t know what to do because the counselors were speaking in Spanish but I figured it out. I didn’t like playing rob the cheese with the older kids, especially the older boy who kept knocking me down. But I really liked playing hula-hoops. At first I didn’t know how to hula-hoop but I figured it out. It felt really fun to do it for a long time. In the game with the ball between our legs we had to race to the other side but my team didn’t win. It was still fun. It was fun to watch everyone try to run or hop without losing the ball.

Wiggling a hula hoop down a line of people

Mommy is passing the hula hoop to me

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Posted by Ana on Wednesday Sep 7, 2011

We went to cresses cabin she hade a paddleboat. Me and jenenes were the first oues to go on the paddleboat. Then me and Ellie went on a boat ride together. Have you ever redenen In a paddleboat? You peddle like a bike. It was scere ween I went by my self because you culde see the bottom. I was scared in the ln the lelepades because it remides me of a swomp.

Paddling around the lake at Chrissie's cabin

[Editor’s translation:]
We went to Chrissie’s cabin. She hade a paddleboat. Me and Aunt Janice were the first ones to go on the paddleboat. Then me and Ellie went on a boat ride together. Have you ever ridden in a paddleboat? You peddle like a bike. It was scary when I went by myself because you could see the bottom [of the lake]. I was scared in the in the lily pads because it reminds me of a swamp.

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The Children’s Museum

Posted by Ana on Saturday Sep 3, 2011

The Chelrcren musame.

Oue day Grandma took us to the cheldrns musam. There were lots of chelates stuff. It was very bese and it was fun. There was a lite of children . You could tack a pese cloth and it would suck up a pipe and then it would go up the other end. Aunt Rose came to hang out with us and it was so fun. We had yummy pizza for dinner!

[Editor’s translation:]
One day [August 24] Grandma took us to the children’s museum [in LaCrosse, WI]. There was lots of children’s stuff. It was very busy and it was fun. There was a lot of children. You could take a piece of cloth and it would suck up a pipe and then it would go up the other end. Aunt Rose came to hang out with us and it was so fun. We had yummy pizza for dinner!

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The Best Day with Mike

Posted by Ana on Thursday Sep 1, 2011

Yesterday I Went out to Luch with my onocole Mike we went out to the redbarne I got a hot dog mike got a . Then we went to a nother store we looked for a berthsay present for me.We anded up in up to in hourse falls I got a house traler a hourse blacket a set.

Me and Uncle Mike

[Editor’s translation:]
August 22 I went out to lunch with my Uncle Mike. We went out to the Red Barn. I got a hot dog, and mike got a [?]. Then we went to another store and we looked for a birthday present for me. We ended up in Horsfalls. I got a horse trailer and a horse blanket set.

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Wazee Lake

Posted by Ana on Tuesday Aug 30, 2011

We Went to wazee lack it was very fun. We went with ante babra sam and rachol. We could see the fish. We swam in the lack . My fafret thing was swiming.

[Editor’s translation:]
We went to Wazee Lake [in Wisconsin]. It was very fun. We went with Aunt Barbara, Sam, and Rachel [cousins]. We could see the fish. We swam in the lake. My favorite thing was swimming.

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Hanging Out with Aloe and Serenity

Posted by Ana on Saturday Aug 27, 2011

Oue day we hade to pick up aloe. Thats mashels babb aloe is so cute. Then sarenade came we placed. Aloe is 4months. Sarenade is 5 yerse old. My and Sarenade place somting that I don’t no what it is called. We would tie a pease of string orpd are feet and see how far we gould go. I liked to hang out whith aloe and serenade.

With our new cousin, Aloe

[Editor’s translation:]
One day [August 8] we hade to pick up Aloe [2nd cousin]. That’s Michele’s [cousin] baby. Aloe is so cute. Then Serenity came, too [Aloe’s big sister]. We played. Aloe is 4 months old. Serenity is 5 years old. Me and Serenity played something that I don’t know what it is called. We would tie a piece of string around our feet and see how far we could go. I liked to hang out with Aloe and Serenity.

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Playing with Makenna and Nell and Neva

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Aug 24, 2011

agusent 4 we woke up and Nell and Makennae and Neva came over to play. we got out the barebe stuff and playeithen was time for them to theve. Then they back. they cepep mackcing qeck stops. we are starting a here salon with only Nell i cant wate to open nouwe here solone i am gone a tack a shower in then they are gona pant my nels and do my i cant want to do all that!

[Editor’s translation:]
August 4 we woke up in Lansing and Nell and Makenna and Neva came over to play. We got out the barbie stuff and played. Then it was time for them to leave. Then they came back. They kept making quick stops. We are starting a hair salon with only Nell. I can’t wait to open a new hair salon. I am going to take a shower and then they are going to paint my nails and do my hair. I can’t wait to do all that!

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Posted by Ana on Sunday Aug 21, 2011

I got to ride on a poney. I had a very fun time i had stormy for my pony. I got a certificate for riding at Peaceful Valley Horse Ranch. Greta took some peters. She was good poney. I licked her. I learned nete facks. Some time the buflo came up to the house and scrach there backse. The pony ride wasn’t very long. It was just around and back. About 10 or 15 minutes. I liked it anyway it was short.

[Editor’s (largely unnecessary) translation:]
I got to ride on a pony. I had a very fun time. I had Stormy for my pony. I got a certificate for riding at Peaceful Valley Horse Ranch. Greta took some pictures. She was good pony. I liked her. I learned neat facts. Some times the buffalo come up to the house and scratch their backs. The pony ride wasn’t very long. It was just around and back. About 10 or 15 minutes. I liked it anyway it was short.

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The Cutest Baby Wild Horse Foals

Posted by Ana on Friday Aug 19, 2011

In Theodore Roosevelt national park we saw some wild horse foals. It comes from its mother that is wild and it is a wild baby horse. We saw them when we took a 36 mile loop drive in the park. We stopped when we saw another car stopped. We saw some bison, and then I saw some wild horses, too. We saw a foal drinking from it’s mother. We ate dinner there, watching them. Then we drove on. Sometimes the bison get too close to the horses so they hate it. The end.

A wild foal drinking from its wild mom

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Bison in Yellowstone

Posted by Ana on Wednesday Aug 17, 2011

July 31 2011 we were driving alon a road were we could see some wild life. We saw some bufalo. And we saw hered of bofalo. I think there were a hundred million. So nsate and looked for a wile. We look in the benokel. There were alote of caves which are babbyes. Seeing all the bison made me feel happy.

See all the brown dots near the trees? Those are lots and lots of bison.

[Editor’s translation:]
July 31, 2011 we were driving along a road where we could see some wild life. We saw some buffalo. And we saw herd of buffalo. I think there were a hundred million. So we sat and looked for a while. We looked in the binoculars. There were a lot of calves which are babies. Seeing all the bison made me feel happy.

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