Playing Games on the First Day at Spanish Camp

Posted by Ana on Friday Sep 9, 2011 Under Travels

The first day of Spanish camp we played 3 games. We played rob the cheese, hula-hoops, and races with a ball between our legs all in Spanish. At first I didn’t know what to do because the counselors were speaking in Spanish but I figured it out. I didn’t like playing rob the cheese with the older kids, especially the older boy who kept knocking me down. But I really liked playing hula-hoops. At first I didn’t know how to hula-hoop but I figured it out. It felt really fun to do it for a long time. In the game with the ball between our legs we had to race to the other side but my team didn’t win. It was still fun. It was fun to watch everyone try to run or hop without losing the ball.

Wiggling a hula hoop down a line of people

Mommy is passing the hula hoop to me

One Response to “Playing Games on the First Day at Spanish Camp”

  1. brynn Says:

    that hula hoop game looks really fun!!!!! 🙂

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