Baby Goats!

Posted by Van on Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 Under Travels

The girls squealed with delight when we received an email from our friend, David, sharing the news that John’s goat, Cosmos, was the first to deliver her kids. David sent these photos of the new arrivals.

David and Kid

John, with a new addition to the family

Our burning question has been answered. Thanks, David!

One Response to “Baby Goats!”

  1. Phoebe Simon Says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this blog! The girls are clearly getting so much out of the trip and I am green with envy. I think it’s wonderful that you got to see David; what a life you are creating for your family. Come back to Iowa to visit the Simons! Actually, it would be so increadibly boring for you – keep going.

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